Smells like gas!!

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
I went for my first ride yesterday. Put about 30 miles on it. Parked it in the garage. Wife came home and pulled in and said it smells like fuel REAL bad out there. Went out and it did. No signs of leaking or puddles on the ground. Smell went away by morning. Road it again for a bit and it did the same thing. Pulled air box cover off and looked around. The only thing I saw was since i removed the rubber hose from the vent to get cover off, there was air and fuel bubbling out of the vent. Not a lot, but its the only thing I could find.. Think that could be it?? Any ideas??
I did fill it up the other day, but Ive road it about 40 miles since. You think that could still be it? Guess it could be possible..?
sounds to me like you could be running a little rich.... My bike does that for the first few days that I ride it in Spring every year. After a few good rides, it leans out.... seems like it just needs to flush everything out a bit...

sniff around near your exhaust outlet with the bike sitting cold, if you smell gas around there, odds are that's what's causing the smell after shutting it off.
It is the overflow that runs down to your left side passenger peg. Once parked after a ride the vapors will escape from there and fill your garage. The only thing you can do to eliminate this is to buy the cali can and install it which does away with the vent and recycles the fuel vapors back to the tank. Here is a small thread on it...

Cali can
It is the overflow that runs down to your left side passenger peg. Once parked after a ride the vapors will escape from there and fill your garage.

Right on the money. I set down an old tupperware below the line to catch the drips.
I wonder if the fuel sitting over the winter has something to do with it? My 1st ride out, my bike coughed a lot below 3K Rpms and the garage freakin' wreaked of gas smell. It wasn't nearly as bad after getting new gas ran through it.
Hmm I started smelling more of a fuel smell after my reroute... wonder if my bike is running richer or if I f'd something up or maybe I just never noticed it
brow..after my re route ive noticed the same thing too. Df smells like gas alot more.

that and it's a lot harder to start...used to fire up without turning over more than it's a chore to get it started.

im hoping after my leg heals, i can go for a long ride and see if she calibrates herself.
Guys, this thread was started in reference to an 1125. The 1125's have a tendency to release pressure from the fuel tank out through the vent tube which runs to the LS passenger peg. As the vapor hits the outside air it condensates and turns to liquid drips. It doesnt have anything to do with breather re routes as on an XB, running lean nor running rich.

The guys in California will not have this problem because there is a charcoal canister that recycles the fumes/drips. My buddy who has an 09 R bought a cali can off ebay and put it on as he parks his bike in the basement and his fuel smell is gone. I just left mine alone as I park mine in a shed.

I do not know why there is a difference like this between the 1125's and the XB's. The only time I have had fuel spill from the tube on my XB was when I over filled it.
The charcoal canister might be under warranty! My buddy is going in to the HD dealer to get it done in the next few weeks. Will see if they over promise and under deliver??
all the 1125'S have that. vaper out of the over flo tube on the left side of the swing arm, let you bike cool off out side. or pop your gas cap just after you shut the bike off..:D my bike has done that from day one has 10,000 mile on it:phow sweet it is :p
Firebolt is dead right. Another quirk of the 1125. What a great idea using the frame as a fuel tank!!! trouble is with an XB if you fill the tank and leave the bike in the sun - the sun warms the alloy frame which warms the cold fuel which now expands and Pees out of the overflow..... so don't fill the tank and leave it to stand in the sun. The 1125 has another problem the hot engine is transferring heat to the frame as are the twin radiators.... now the frame is getting hot so the fuel expands as before but stays in the frame OK.... but because it is now very warm it starts to vaporise and it is this vapour that is coming out the pipe by the foot rest..... Don’t let anyone smoke near it :D Not heard of one going up in flames yet. Did you say "you wanted something different?" :)
i've had this problem from day 1... i have a closed garage so the gas rises though the whole house if i don't crack open the garage door a little after my ride. It mostly happens when i sit in traffic where the bike frame starts to get really hot. Has anyone found a fix for it because the harley dealer has no idea???
mine doesnt drip but i can see the vapors coming from it and def smell it. what ive done to alleviate this is to leave it outside for a bit for the motor and tank to kool off so it doesnt vent as hard as being in the with no AC or ventilation.
I just do what Magna does now. After pulling in the drive way, I shut her off then pop the gas cap to release any pressure. Seems to help quite a bit. However, if the bike is real hot, it could still build some pressure back up and still vent, Most of the time it works. Not a great fix, but its all we got! ;)