Race Map

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
I burned an 04 xb12 race ecm onto my bike and feels like I lost alot of my low end. Has anyone run into this before?
You didn't burn the race eeprom to your stock ecm did you? Just copy the fuel and timing maps. O and make sure that you change the values of the row headers in the fuel map. The race map is slightly different than the stock. I made that mistake on my first try and it ran like crap.
Yeah I burned the whole eeprom. How do you copy the maps? The bike runs good it just feels doggish down low.
1: Open up ecmspy and the stock eeprom.
2: Open up another ecmspy window and open the race eeprom
3: Highlight all of the rear cylinder fuel values for the race map. Press Ctrl + c on the keyboard. Then paste them (Ctrl + v)it into their the rear fuel map on your stock map. Repeat for the front fuel map. If all your seeing is the graph just uncheck the checkbox in the upper right corner that says "3D map view."
4: Copy the front and rear timing maps using the same method as the fuel maps.
5: Compare the two maps to make sure that everything copied over ok. **Make sure the column headers for the fuel maps are the same**
6: Close the ecmspy window that contains the race eeprom.
7: Click burn maps and follow the on screen directions.
Btw warlock...I have the race maps on my stock ecm...It runs much better but it has a huge power loss right around the 4k mark with the mods that I have (K&N, open airbox, hawk muffler.) However, the race map is a good starting point to do some logging. And take note of the row headers between the two maps being the same. I forgot to change it the first time I copied over the maps and it didn't run well at all.
Ok my bad. I meant to say column headers. Make sure the rpm values on your stock ecm are the same as the race ecm. I'd suggest loading your stock eeprom and starting over before you change anything else.