2nd gear wheelie WITHOUT clutch

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
if this link does not work ill put it on youtube or something this is when i first got my buell n started to ride wheelies i ahve come a long way sense then n can hang them thru all gears sit down stand up standin on the seat passenger pegs hanginoff the side it dont ****** mater i can do almost all of it now sooooo check it out if it doesnt work tell em so i can post it so that it does

copy n paste the link below

ya theres a lower forum that the guys were arguein n the one dude i thing its bads1 or something swears all day that he knows 100 people with buells n none of them lift 2nd gear wheelies if thats the case then they better return it cuz its ****** broke i swear onmy sons life that that it with out the clutch u see me preload which isnt even that cuz i weight 150lbs haha n i dont bounch that much so clearly it isssss possible
could be an altitude issue, it is a lot harder to get my wheel off the ground here in colorado than when I picked it up in IL. here I NEED the clutch
HAHA that seems crazy dude u have more them plenty horse n torque to lift it even on the moon brother that video is me in fulton county on one of my first attemps at wheeling that thing is so effin aggressive theres no way that its not as snappy as mine i think u need to preload a lil harder n feed her more fuel bro u can clearly see my lil 150lb ass barely bouncin that thing n it comes up fast on a few of the attemps n i get nervous i will hang them all day thru all gears now no problem but it comes with alot of time n respect for yer machine they r no joke no respect = brokin bones/death ride safe boyzzz
PS: i put 13,000miles on my buell last year n only started tryin to ride wheelies around 9,000 dont rush it ive lost a few good dudes cuz everyone thinks they r ****** superman its not worth it
no, here at 6000 feet (yes that is over a mile) the air is too thin to get decent power, last year I had it at sea level and the difference was amazing, it was a whole different bike.
hmm well ill take yer word for it ne way but im just sayin there was an awful lot of haters on the one post n i have a video of it n u can clearly see no hand movement n i was just learnin to preload so the front suspension is barely bein pushed so i kno for fact roll ons r not only possible but super easy n where half of them guys live the tallest mountain is a pile of dog **** hahah i live up by the adrondacks ive never realy noticed to much of a difference but im not doubtin u bro my rc nitro 4tec (radio control gas car) has isssues with stayin tuned cuz of the way the weather n stuff is up here so i believe it
I will back dmp0001 when it comes to altitude though. I rode my bike from Phoenix to Flagstaff and while I was there I couldnt hardly pull wheelies in first gear. Altitude can be a huge factor. No doubt about it.
I am sorry but I have owned 2 Buells in my life and never has one ever been able to do a 2nd gear wheelie without using the clutch. I guess your little 100lb frame is what makes it so easy. But most people when riding can't get any model Buell except maybe the new 1125r to do 2nd gear wheelies w/o slipping the clutch.
then u r just as retarded as the rest of the guys that think its not possible theres a ****** video of it n im 150lbs n it dont ****** matter cuz one of my realy fat friends does it on my bike to so y dont u learn how to ride a wheelie n stop tryin to call people out UGH i almost regret makin a profile on here i figered it would be good so i can talk to people who kno a bit n may be able to help find pieces n stuff but i see that its a who dick is bigger contest for the most part i posted a ****** video for **** sake look at my hand theres no clutch useage i barely even bounce n prelaod n if ur that ****** fat then lean a lil weight to the back of the bike other wise shut the **** up cuz i realy dont care what u think is possible k? good great kbye
then u r just as retarded as the rest of the guys that think its not possible theres a ****** video of it n im 150lbs n it dont ****** matter cuz one of my realy fat friends does it on my bike to so y dont u learn how to ride a wheelie n stop tryin to call people out UGH i almost regret makin a profile on here i figered it would be good so i can talk to people who kno a bit n may be able to help find pieces n stuff but i see that its a who dick is bigger contest for the most part i posted a ****** video for **** sake look at my hand theres no clutch useage i barely even bounce n prelaod n if ur that ****** fat then lean a lil weight to the back of the bike other wise shut the **** up cuz i realy dont care what u think is possible k? good great kbye

Such intelligent use of grammar and punctuation [up] I'll be sorry to see you go. Let me be the first one to boot you out the door. Why didn't Jeremy boot you ages ago?[confused]
this is a forum not english class an aparently its not that bad cuz u can read it i have nothin to prove to ne one about intelligence first off n im not goin ne where sry dude but ya ne way
Have you noticed that we are all adults here and actually spell out the words we want people to read. You sound like a complete moron when you post here. Every other post on this site is readable the first time. I have to go back and re-read yours time and again just to figure it out. Just be normal and everything will be fine and don't run your mouth. If you have a questions type it out and you will get an answer.
haha!! you guy's are silly. i simply posted a video that proves a statment i made, and you "adults" are telling me its ********, instead of saying, wow how do u do that? and the way i type has nothing to do with any thing. i just wish you lived close by so i can run my buell in circles around you after i power up a wheelie in 2nd gear with out the clutch!! grow up fella. this is sad.

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