2010 Buell XB12SS For sale in Toronto, Canada.

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
Hey guy. Im selling my all Black 2010 Buell XB12Ss. Need cash for my wedding....grrr. Anyways, My bike has 7000k on it and is in mint shape. Everything is done to the bike so no need to waste time ordering parts or mods. Comes with all stock parts as well. Looking for $9500 OBO
Comes with:
-EBR race ECM
-Jardine GP1 Exhaust
-Crossroads -7 Handlebars
-Bar end mirrors
-Buell Sport Touring gel seat
-American Sportbike tail kit
-Oxford Signals
-Crankcase breather mod
-Buell traction handle grips
-1st & 2nd Service done at HD of Toronto
Considering the current market I think you will be tough getting this. If you would consider $6K then I am interested.
I've seen prices on Craigslist across Canada that peeps are asking anywheres from 4k+ for Buell XB's that are 03's to 06....

A guy has a 2009 CR in Van and is asking 10k
Buell prices in Canada have stayed pretty constant..

you guys in the US have no idea of how lucky you are to snag them so cheap...

if I had an extra 4-5k laying around I would def pick up another one
$9500 for a 2010 with 7k on the clock and this many upgrades is reasonable.

Best of luck with the sale, bud. Too bad you're getting rid of the bike.
xler8tr$6000? lmao. Anyways, get a job and stop being a cheapass. You want gold for the price of wood. If i chose to bring the bike into the Kawasaki dealership they will give me $7800. Now thats a DEALERSHIP. Private sale is always more. I have two guys coming to see the bike on Sunday. I am flexable, but not stupid. If i could only sell the bike for $6000 (u cheapass) i'd just keep the thing.
I chose $9500 bc i found a couple mint modded 09 xb12s online for 8500-9000 so figured $9500 was more then fair. If everything sucks and i cant sell it for something worth my while, ill just keep it. It is really mint though. Awsome bike, very nicely modded. Everyone in the bike scene in Toronto knows my ride. Good times!:p
Hey xler8tr,
It seems all you do is post on other folks for sale threads trying to lowball the hell out of some really nice bikes.
Get a second job cheap-a$$!![up]

Good luck to you. Considering the dollar is par and you can pick up something similar for about a 2 hour drive south I think it could be tough.
Then why don't you do that xler8tr?

That's how I know you're full of ****.

If it's so damn easy to buy a Buell for that little money, why don't you do that? If there are so many Buells selling for that cheap, then what are you doing making incredibly lowball offers? Furthermore, you sure know a LOT about the Buell economy for someone who doesn't own one yet? I think you don't know ****, that's what I think. You show me ONE place where a 2010 XB12 is selling for 6k. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

So why don't you **** off and stop being a ******* who's just trying to score a killer bike for a ridiculous deal. If it really is so easy to buy a brand new Buell for 6k, go do that. Your ******** isn't wanted on this forum. Your attitude is better suited to a GSXR, so you should probably move the **** on from Buell.
Actually i was totally looking to trade it in for one of the 1125r or cr before my wedding thing came up. They dont have one bike available in canada or the northern states left to sell.

So xler8tr go get yourself a little GSXR you might be able to afford that. Or maybe drive 2 hours shouth and stay there.
Damn, I was trying to be nice, I should of dropped the gloves right off![up]

Hey xler8tr go hug-a-root!


You're just pissy because you know I'm right. You would already have a Buell if it was that cheap to buy one, and you know it. You wouldn't be making random stabs in the dark lowballing ads in online forums if all you needed to do was go to a dealership to pick up a new one for 6k.

Look up leftover lightnings on Buell.com. There are several in Ohio for 6-7k...BRAND NEW at HD dealers. I called on several a couple weeks ago when I was searching for a new bike. The pricing was similar all up and down the east coast in several states. xb9s were about 6k and the xb12s were around 7k. so "cheapass" isn't being that big of a cheapass after all.

Sure, him lowballing your asking price wasn't the best thing to do, but just because someone offers you something you don't feel is fair, doesn't mean you have to call them names and accuse them of being unemployed. Take it to PMs next time.. it would have saved this thread and kept everyone who has posted in it from looking like asshats.
Shut up MuSh. You are full of it too. You arent getting one at that price. And when you do get one at that lie of a price, you have to pay tax, freight, pdi and various other fees. $7000 after everything said and done, from a dealership, is going to be $10gs or more. Then try finding and buying all the mods ive put into it very reciently. $9500 for a finished mint 2010 Buell XB12SS with all initial services completed and all popular mods is a good price. Your siding with that fool bc your a cheapass too. I didnt think they had the internet at the trailor park.
I, for one, could care less about looking like an ******. Ask anyone here, I do it on the regular.

If it's that easy and cheap to buy a new buell then go do it. Stop chatting up this thread. Thanks.
newfieBOY, your username says it all. I doubt you would tell me to shut up to my face, but thats okay..your safe behind your keyboard. I don't care if you believe me...you can charge a million dollars for all I care. I honestly don't give a **** if you have money for your welfare wedding or not, but you should at least learn to recognize facts. Also, I am not sure what "reciently" or "trailor" is. Perhaps you should focus more on an education than modding a motorcycle.

Mr.Pus, I don't have to find a new Buell that cheap...I did last week. Thanks.

I, for one, have not seen a 2010 XB12 anywhere near that price on the west coast, least of all a Lightning Long. If you managed to score one for 6k, then you got a great deal. Even in the Buell fire sales that would have been considered an excellent price. Somehow I doubt you actually purchased the bike that cheap.

All I know is this, you're still a youngin' on the board, so I'd suggest you avoid starting **** if you expect people to give you a hand when you **** your bike up (because we all do at some point).

Ride safe, bud. I'm not going to play the penis measuring game with you.