New X-Box & X-Box Kinect who's gonna get one

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Jan 9, 2009
If your into x-box you got to check this thing out NO CONTROLLERS it makes the WII look like a 3 year olds toy. Go to
As a big fan of xbox I am interested in the kinect, but I will have to try it before I buy it. I for the most part do not like the Wii's motion system.

I think where they are going with motion tech is awesome, but it is not good enough yet to be really fun.
new Nintendo 3ds looks like the ticket, with the ability to take 3d pics, and play 3d content without faggy glasses
the kinect thing looks to be neat but as far as the new xbox I cannot see getting it when it plays the same games that my current xbox360 has. Besides that I find my self using my ps3 more than the xbox these days.
Up until I saw the demos online yesterday I was done with X-box 360 I think I've gone thru 6 of them since the dam things came out. I got a WII a few weeks ago but might go back if they have work out all the bugs from the first ones hopefully no more red rings of death.
I like the new xbox looks sweet but will not get one since my original 20G from 2005 is still kicking. Seem to be a lucky one; no rrod knock on wood lol. I would think about it if it had a blue ray since that's the next gen format for video content. I think the kinect would be cool but I like an actual controller it allows for more control.

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