S stretch4201 Well-known member Joined Jul 3, 2010 Messages 51 Jul 3, 2010 #1 i just bought a 03 blast never riden b4 but figured it would b a good one to learn on needs a lil tlc b4 i can start riding. so it will probely b another month b4 i can start riding
i just bought a 03 blast never riden b4 but figured it would b a good one to learn on needs a lil tlc b4 i can start riding. so it will probely b another month b4 i can start riding
A anrkizm95 Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2010 Messages 7,805 Jul 3, 2010 #2 welcome to the forum.a lot of senior members very knowledgable and helpful when it comes to working on your bike if you need help just ask.
welcome to the forum.a lot of senior members very knowledgable and helpful when it comes to working on your bike if you need help just ask.
V vanson1200r Well-known member Joined May 25, 2009 Messages 509 Jul 4, 2010 #3 Take the MSF Riders Course! The B-last is a good bike to start on and even keep as a daily rider.