View Full Version : Texas Twisted Sisters

07-26-2010, 10:49 AM
Just a short request for info on where to stay if coming from the north Texas area down.
Where is a good place to stay if I'm coming down IH35 and turning west to Kerrville? Only need an over night stay that is clean and cheap. It would be nice to make the 335, 336, 337 loop on the first day and then reverse the loop and head home. Since I can't stand IH's I will trailer from Ft. Worth to the overnight spot.
What say you?

07-28-2010, 12:34 PM
theres the Y-O and several standard hotels holiday inn, best western etc. Let us know when you are comming and will ride with you.

07-28-2010, 01:19 PM
Planning on coming down when the temps are a little lower. I will be sure and post again when I get it lined out. Thanx for the post!

07-28-2010, 02:40 PM
we usually have two big rides. next one will be in october. usually about 30/40 guys all at different skills and riding ability. we tend to get there on friday/saturday. block out hotel rooms ride all day saturday come back have dinner and sit in parking lot and tell lies.