Why you bought your buell?????

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Aug 15, 2010
I am wondering peoples responses to their reasons for buying a buell?

Mine: I bought my 1125 because I like harley davidsons and the idea of buying american..especially considering Buell is the last american made sportbike or was.My buddies all ride ninjas or gsxr 750 or 1000s or Busas and two cruisers. I like to be different and i love the attention my buell attracts. I feel like the sound pouring out of my exhaust sounds like a monster truck i love it. Also i was informed of the amazing handling and cornering capabilities the cr had along with tremendous amounts of power!!
Did a test ride of a 1125R in the Black Hills at Sturgis. Company guy that guided the ride did a damn fime job of trying to make sure we killed ourselves. Spent the next few years trying to convince the wife. Had to buy her two bikes of her own then she gave in.
I love streetfighters and after I took the test ride I knew the bike was for me it was the most fun riding bike I had ever been on!
owned a 00 x1 when the r came out i wanted it but could not afford it (so the wife said). then the CR came out and i needed it, wife still said no. when buell went under and i found out i could get a CR for 7Gs out the door i made a deal with the devil. I had to bite the bullet and made a trade. I get a new bike and the wife gets a new set of ****s[smirk]. wait this is a total win win for me and i love both the bike and the ****s :p
I've always had a thing for them ever since the first time I heard a harley coming then saw the sportbike coming in it's place. It was a blue m2 or s1, not sure which. I was kind of hesitant after owning a triumph and always having trouble with it. I swore I'd never own anything but a japanese bike again. I had been hoping to pick up a beat up gsxr750 eventually when the news about buell closing came, then the firesales, and the fact that I was too broke to even put down a deposit and pay for insurance. Eventually after looking at them enough I didn't even get any joy out of looking at gsxrs anymore and I just held out until I bought mine. I had only seen 1 xb in person close up, and two from a slight distance, and had never sat one one when I caught a ride 5 hours away, and rode my xb 5 hours home. Been extremely pleased with it since.
I saw a Firebolt and thought to myself.... "I want one of those"..... Then I went and got one......
Actually I got 2 because my kid kept bugging me to ride mine...... Shortly after getting mine, I got him one.....
I was drawn to the lightnings because they are different. You don't see them at every light like a lot of the other sport bikes. Seems everywhere you go people inquire about them, and they are just BADASS bikes.
when i was younger i seen/heard a loud ass bike tear ass out of a parking lot. couldnt believe that sound was coming from a street bike. looked into it, found out what it was. several years later i decided i was ready to buy. american < big reason. affordable < another big reason. just looks b.a.
did a bunch of research on a first bike. Liked the naked look and found the Buell online. Fell for the mean look, american made, and the dealer by me had the last of the 08 xb12 models and sold it to me for the xb9 price.

oh... by the way, I only had a motorcycle permit at the time, so never even got to test ride it before they delivered it to me on a rainy day. Just had to have it and getting a beater that I'd hate after a yearjust didn't make sense.

Test rode a CR during the fire sales and was VERY close to buying that... have buell fever and had a chance to visit the factory before they closed....Awesome! [up]
I always wanted a v twin but did not want a cruser. I like the twisties. So I settled for a r6 till I could afford a buell. Wife was at HD dealer and saw the one I have been eyeing and called me to come get it
$5k rebate and its a sweet bike. i couldnt afford 2 full price bikes so when i heard about the rebate i bought it that week
I still remember the first Buells I heard, then saw.. I was impressed with the different engineering, and the naked bikes are sick. I got a ****** back from sports injuries so the upright ridign position of the lightnings was always attractive. As soon as I realized Buell went under and was serious about buying, it had to be the lightning. Crazy what some dealers are calling "new" these days though... found harley dealer with an 07 XB12s in the midwest with like 800 miles on it calling it a new bike. Hung up on that sob... Bought an actual new cause I'll be keeping the Buell forever... (eyes welling)
Loved em ever since i first spotted one when i was a kid because it had the harley roar and the sporty look and swore i would own one when i got older so in 05 i bought a xb9 then in 09 i bought xb12.
I wanted a low maintenance (compared to a Duc) twin with character that fit my 36" inseam. The price sealed the deal.
Love the looks and I got rid of my Kawasaki ZX10R for it have never looked back. Dont get me wrong, those are awesome bikes but my Lightning just begs you to actually RIDE it...not just point and shoot it!
Was impressed with the Buell line when I first layed eyes on them in the the mid 90's. Finally test drove a Lightning in '06. Couldn't afford one....last year when Buell went tits up, the local dealer practically gave me a brand spankin' new '07 Lightning. Have loved riding it and wish I would have bought one about ten years sooner.
I like the naked sport bike look so I started looking at the lightnings then found my firebolt on craigslist and bought it this spring with 4200 miles and now have 7300 and love every mile and if anyone is or gets around bronson,mi hit me up and we'll do some riding
wanted to buy american.regretted it a number of times.but i love it and wouldnt trade for anything.