View Full Version : Odd Blinker Pattern

09-20-2010, 03:29 PM
I noticed the other day that my blinkers were flashing in a non-normal pattern. At first, they seemed to be flashing quicker than normal. In my experience (cars) this means that the blinker bulb is out or some such. I stopped, checked all blinkers and they all flash. Shortly after, they seemed to blink normally.

Well, I noticed again today as I pulled up to the garage that the blinkers were not flashing in a consistent rhythm. I stopped, patted my leg to determine the rhythm, and sure enough it was not a steady flash-flash-flash-flash, but more of a flash-fla****y-flash-flash-fla****y-flash-fla****y... etc.

I am not sure what this is, and a search of the forums led to no real answers. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

09-20-2010, 03:33 PM
flasher try tapping on it with tsigs on

09-20-2010, 03:37 PM
Actually, after more searching on the other forum (ahem) I found a thread about signal patterns (from 2006!). They said that turning the bars changed the pattern and *tadaaa* it did the same on mine. I think I can narrow this down from here, probably wire chafing or a loose connection. I will tap on everything while I am in there though, just in case! :)

09-21-2010, 01:12 AM
Mine do the same thing also, very speratic, sometimes it will be hiper flashing, sometimes regular, and every once in a while it helps to give it some rpms, who knows.

09-21-2010, 02:45 PM
well the folks on badweb had the issue several years ago, and they found it to be wire chafing behind the flyscreen i believe.

Glade21: do you think it is necessary to fix it or should we just stick with the "Buell repair plan" and ride the **** out of it? (I favor the latter!)