my scoripo was faulty out of the box, the alarm would go off for no reason and the key fob would stop working so without the key fob or RFID working I couldn't shut it off.
not a big deal that is was faulty IMO, it happens sometimes.
(but this one was scratched all up in the sealed plastic like somebody used a screwdriver to remove the connectors I think it was a "refurb" but they insist that they don't do that)
they had a good track record and many people swear by them.
but what killed be was that scorpio customer service sucked!
it took nearly 3 months to get my alarm back and it was still broken. I sent it back asking for a new one, they said that a new one would be right out, a month later nothing, I call up and they are STILL trouble shooting my old one.
I call again a few week later and its still on the test bench, this time I am getting a bit upset I bought my alarm to have it on my bike and the end of the Michigan season is approaching and I have been without my alarm for the whole thing (I bought it and installed before the season started)
so I call and ask for a manager this time and tell him what is going on, he tells me he will look into it and call me back.
a day later he calls me back and apologizes, he sends out a NEW alarm the same day plus a free engine immobilizer and at first I am thinking I will FINALLY have a working alarm on my bike.
NOPE, the problem is still there, turns out they only replaced the main unit, I am having the same problem. I call up AGAIN and tell them, the guy tells me yet again that this is imposable and it must be installed wrong, I tell him it must be the plug in units failing.
after sending pictures of my install and a wiring diagram they agree my install is fine and send me replacement proxy and RFID units.
but I never installed it, I sold it to a friend because scorpio would not refund me because I didn't buy DIRECTLY from them (bought it from a HD dealer because parts unlimited is a distributor and I had a 20% off coupon) I told my friend all the issues I had with it and sold it at a loss even with the 20% off I got. plus my nearly 6 months of frustration and still no alarm, what a waist of time and money
my friend never plugged in the proxy and seems to like it but he still has intermittent issues of it going off.
moral of the story?
be wary of scorpio