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Funny that you posted dinner last night with the family, a 9-10 year old girl a couple tables away from us started choking on a chunk of chicken. I'm a respiratory therapist, was at her side in a second, ready to heimlich her. She managed to get it up and out on her own, but scared the hell out of herself and her parents, who had no idea what to do.

edit for spelling
I got hit in 9. Cut turkey properly, brew beer, swap a faucet, canoe rapids, live through a tornado, tie a necktie, graphics card, shoot a home video, Ditch a hard drive.

14, 17, 37, 51, 61, 73, 76, 79, and 80.[smirk]
Learned how to in Boot Camp, but forgot, my Marine Corps uniform has a tie that has been tied for 9 years :D

I have a cheater card in my closet so I can tie one but I can't do it without that.
Wow you can tie a bow tie?  I can't. I can do a neck tie though.

I think tying a bow-tie is the only thing on this list that I CAN do. LOL

Here's a cool link with pretty decent illustrations. All I have to say on learning is--practice, practice, practice! :)

How to tie a bowtie--instructions

I also found this photo to be pretty inspirational:

7,17,21,30,47,53,72,98. I guess being an Eagle Scout taught me a few good things. Good list but, know how to ride a motorcycle should be in there somewhere...:D
I was too busy to check them all out but after # 4 I had to chuckle, that is not a fan belt but an accessory/serpentine and blower drive belt, and yes I've changed them on my 66 SS Super Charged Nova along with the pulley's :D
4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (parents carve turkey still), 37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 60, 61, 74, 83, 100. not bad for being my age i think!

If it wasn't for my engineering class number 17 (brew your own beer) would be on that list too. Our design project was to design and create a home brewery. gotta love tech :)

Why the heck was the Test light #85 in there?

WOW i'm surprised how many of you have had to escape a sinking car... haha stories?
I don't even own a car so I got off to a rough start. Don't do much fly fishing and stunt kite flying living in the city, haha. I think that test was biased. For what it's worth, even though I've never owned one, I still think my chances of fixing something on a car are better than 85% of the people who own them.
Everytime I see #32, I get pissed. You don't know how many damn "FLAPPERS" and "TRIP LEVERS" I've replaced! NO, NOT MY OWN PERSONAL TOILET! I've only replaced 2 the 6 years I've lived in my apartment.
I think I've watched that mythbusters episode enough to be pretty confident with my sinking car escape capabilities. :D
Um.. I guess I'm close to being a girl - I still have around 43 to go! :D

It's either that, or I've just been very lucky to not have some of the experiences others have had - tire blowouts, tornadoes, sinking car, fixing the house, etc...
sinking car,dave will know where this is.1984 1972 v8 capri street racing spit out an axle hit a concrete pick-nic table rolled into lake el estero monterey ca.that was a nasty ass lake 27 years ago all duck ****
sinking car,dave will know where this is.1984 1972 v8 capri street racing spit out an axle hit a concrete pick-nic table rolled into lake el estero monterey ca.that was a nasty ass lake 27 years ago all duck ****

No way!!! that's a nasty lake!!! Going down Del monte I assume. I've had many of races through that tunnel. I did get yelled at by a old lady when I went by geese too fast, they were crossing the road to get to that lake. Assuming you went to DLI or NPS?
yep on del monte,im surprised they havent cleaned it up by now.i was more pissed about being covered in bird **** than i was about my car.
I got all except 13, 46, 55, and 72. I have worked on cars all my life, lived on a farm, work in a steel mill, am a certified first responder, and been through several military training camps in high school. Some of these things, I was like WTF? People don't know how to do that. Lol.
(I am a manly man, I burp fart and spit when I want not carring who's by. Disrespect my mother, and I will punch you in the eye, I AM A MANlY MAN!)
Quote,> Bradly Hathaway.

Sorry, but it really is a good poem, especially after the loss of a good friend. [smirk]