WTF!!! Really!?!?

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
And the closest place to stock it is 100 miles away, and closes b4 we will get there. Luckily they let us pay over the phone and sat it outside for us.

Less than 10k miles on this belt.

We were just about to leave for a 5 hour trip across the blue ridge parkway to go to his nephews wedding, thankfully as rt was putting his gloves on he just happened to look down at my bike. He didnt say a word just took his gloves off then his helmet and said "guess were taking the car". Then he got really quiet and walked away. I was fully expecting him to take his gun out and start shooting all the inanimate objects he could find after the day we had.

Damn, that sucks. Good thing you have an attentive friend. That could have ended up bad.
He better be attentive lol it's still technically his bike. He may call it mine but it will always be his. I'm just the girlfriend he let's ride it so she Dosnt bop him in the helmet anymore while riding lol.

I guess we were really lucky bc that spot just happened to be in the window that u can actually see the belt pretty well.
Most often I hear people saying they noticed their belt was shot because they'd try to let out the clutch and give it some gas and they just wouldn't go anywhere. I'm always paranoid mine is going to give at the absolute worst time.
It's a 05 on it's second belt. The first didn't break but RT replaced it. The one that broke is the "super duper kevlar" belt. His words not mine lol. And it still has the belt guard on it.
Drive time to get belt 3 hours.
Install time 15-2o minutes.
Road 50 miles all is well.
To say the least it screwed my plans but it all worked out in the end.
I have broken a belt on my sportster at 70mph and it whipped my leg. took nearly 5 years for the scar to go away. Im glad you guys found it! scared the hell out of me. so i know it would not have been fun.

PS. Am i a red neck if i shoot inanimate just for fun? lol i don't need a bike to break.