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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
Just wondering if you are happy with your rear brakes,On your 1125r-cr.Im not,They have no feel and they skid badly.I have Googled this problem and im not the only one who thinks so.I am use to riding the bike now,using only the front brakes,luckly they work very well.Dont get me wrong I love this bike I get a horn every time I get on it.
Im on an 1125R i havent noticed any problem. I started riding on a 1200 sportster though. i always start wiht the front break then ease onto the rear one. which is probably why ive never noticed it.
Rear Buell brakes and most sport bikes feel like a block of wood.
I used the crap out of mine trail braking since the roads have been wet.
I also moved the lever down a bit so I can get a better feel out of it.
If the pedal is level with the peg you can't get good feel.
At first i put a few flat spots in tire braking hard,but now my other bike seems like brakes are spongy.Just takes time to get use to.
Went for a ride this morning,and while riding in a straight line started aplying some preasure on the brakes,maybe if I do this for a while it may bed them in better or something,im not shore.I will check out my leaver position and ajust a bit if nesecery.Six months ago I nearly hi sided,lucky I wasent going very fast at the time,Aplyed a touch of brake mid corner,I no its not the thing to do,but its something I have done many times on other bikes when I needed to.Scared the f##k out of me.Im 50 now,I dont need that sort of ****.I always try to ride at the edge of my ability so im thinking next year,I might go for a ZX-10R.A bit more hi-tec for an old fart like me.In the meantime I will enjoy the rawness of the 1125r.Got to love it.[cool]
Like RT Perf says -

If you think the rear brakes work Too....well...
Just adjust the pedal down far enough so you have to put your foot into an odd (toe low) position.
Making the ankle bend more than normal, will effectivly take some brake power away.
I did this to all of my early bikes with two piston calipers. WAYY TOO puch power.

I personally think the Buells rear is ok, with it adjusted right (to me) and its single piston...makes for a great trail (brake)/emergency/rain/gravel brake.

I think I will concentrate on working out these brakes,Spend some time soley working on foot preasure and best position for the leaver,Another thing that doesent help is I only weigh 63 kg (138 pounds)I should have a bag of cement as pillion. Might keep the arse down a bit harder on the black stuff lol.Thanks for advice guys,I love this bike,if I can get the brakes working I will love it even more.

Just got a pair of Diablo Rosso Corsa tyres today,Cant wait for the weekend.Funny that pay big money for tyers and cant wait to tear them up.:D
Breto if you are able to get them to "skid badly" than they are working. This isn't all bad as most of us can't get them to skid at all. As mentioned it sounds like it is going to come down to lever placement and lever pressure. Eat a few more cheeseburgers! ;)
These have rear brakes?

Seriously, if y ou are on the front brakes hard, you have enough weight transfer the rear brake is essentially worthless anyway.

Check and see if you have sticking pistons, but basically the rear brakes are pretty worthless on a sportbike anyway

Get exhaust tips to keep the soot off the rear rotor and caliper
I upgraded to a parachute. These brakes dont work at all when you're at 207mph. My super buell don't need brakes.
Breto, you can't blame the bike if you are always riding at the edge of your ability. If that's how you ride all the time, even with a ZX-10, you are going to have many more similar experiences to your near highside on the 1125. It's just part of the fun :)

On topic, the rear brakes have a secondary role for me so as long as they can pull the front suspension back up a bit before a corner, they work for me. They do lack a little bit of feel, but how much feel can you really get out of a rear brake system that's so simple?