Went for a ride this morning,and while riding in a straight line started aplying some preasure on the brakes,maybe if I do this for a while it may bed them in better or something,im not shore.I will check out my leaver position and ajust a bit if nesecery.Six months ago I nearly hi sided,lucky I wasent going very fast at the time,Aplyed a touch of brake mid corner,I no its not the thing to do,but its something I have done many times on other bikes when I needed to.Scared the f##k out of me.Im 50 now,I dont need that sort of ****.I always try to ride at the edge of my ability so im thinking next year,I might go for a ZX-10R.A bit more hi-tec for an old fart like me.In the meantime I will enjoy the rawness of the 1125r.Got to love it.[cool]