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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
hey i seen in a post you are a union plumber..? I was just wondering what local your out of? Im a welder/fitter out of 248 ashland ky. My dad also is in the union hall but hes in the plumbing, medgas, and hvac part.
The Union bought my Buell,my 3 other bikes,my car,and my house.They are just fine to me.:p
Well from what I saw on a tour of a Ford plant was astounding. As I walked the assembly line there were workers putting together steering columns, there were other workers sitting behind them reading books, magazines, etc. I asked the head of maintenance ( who was escorting me through the facility ) "whats the deal with the people sitting here behind the workers?" He replied "the workers work 1/2 hour on and 1/2 hour off so they take turns as to not become overly fatigued...per their Union contract" So I thought, hmm....each employee getting $30-$45 odd dollars an hour, + benefits, + retirement/pension and only working a half hour every hour?? No wonder the US auto manufacturers are in the *******, and the foreign auto companies are slaughtering us. No wonder a vehicle that should cost 12k is going for over 22k. Not to mention the buyouts the employees are getting to leave work. Most are getting between 50-100k in addition to 70%+ of their salary for X number of years. What type of company is forced to "pay" the employees they let go? Why not just fire them like any normal company?
mr dozer you dont no what your talking about... I am a union member and you can ask any large company hiring out of a union hall is cheaper then hiring non union members. Non union make about the same to 2-5 dollars more an hour just less benifits. So the flat out rate is realy close to the same however non union companies charge more for their workers for some reason. Pluss non union has little or no training where to be in the union just to get in you have to go to college for a year then after your in you have to got to a trade school for 5 more years after work. When you say unions are bad you are for big buisness. Oh and not to mention the injury and death rate are 1 union worker to 4 non union workers. Oh and the years when the union was at its stongest 1040's-1980's the economy was a lot better then it has lately
oh and forced to pay retiremnt whats wrong with that? A multibillion dollar company force to HELP pay? they just match what you put in to a percent why shouldnt they constuction workers have the lowest life expectancy because all the ccancer causeing chymicals and fumes they are exposed to. Sounds like you think walmart is good for the economy?
Is this a Buell XB fourm or for debateing what one does for a living by over opinionated people:(In California, the cost of living is very high,and being a New Construction Union Plumber, pays very well.Becouse of that,I am able to provide a good live for my wife and two children,period! I feel for those who have lost there jobs due to greed and poor decision makeing,but as a father, my job is to take care of my family.That's what I do.I enjoy this fourm very much and have learned many things on here.This fourm has brought complete strangers together and created freindships within people who would never meet becouse of geographical locations.I am new to this fourm,like everyone on this fourm,and hope to enjoy and learn from this fourm for as long as I own my Buell.Oh ya,isn't that why we are all here on this fourm? For the love of a very unique motorcycle,THE BUELL:) Mr.Dozer,I have nothing against you,in fact you seem to be very knowledgable on the Buell subject,and I will not defend the manner of which I provide for my family again.Let's drop this topic,and get back to Buell's:)
.......cricket............cricket......burnteyes, where is ashland in reference to Fort Knox?

a short stint of caps....


stint of caps complete....


(where'd all these freakin' dots come from?)

Now then, everyone go outside, right freakin' now and hug the reason why we're all here in the first place.....

....no it's not god..good guess though

.......uh-uh get away from your family, it's not them either....nice try

....that's right....just like that...YOUR BUELLS!!!!

now if i could get someone to upload a picture of that? :p

I'm not special you're just retarded.......by ME
Sorry guys...I mis read-the part about you all being construction workers :(. Thats a totally different ballgame than the Auto Unions ;) so again, i'm sorry [up] And you all are right, this is a BUELL forum....but...there are different areas to post different topics on things non-buell related, so I dont think this discussion is out of line. ( mis understood maybe... [smirk]...but not out of line )
Sorry for my rant I just get mad when people say we are lazy when they don't know a blown knee and buldging disc at 23. Oh well only 38 more years to go haha
I am about 1.5 hours from fort Knox.
All adults here Mrdozer,no feelings hurt. And no,not out of line;)I love my Buell:DAnd Fidsol,as soon as I figure out how to post a picture on here,I will post a GROUP HUG of my wife,kids,me,AND my Buell:D:p
WHAT? Now you want some!?:DI love this fourm.I think it takes a good misunderstanding to break the ice.And of course I smell funny,I'M A PLUMBER:p(new construction,no chasen turd's);)
I might smell funny, I been in the field all day, but who's to say it is not you BPG that smells funny? Maybe the rest of us smell "normal"....

In order to go see my shrink I have to dig him back up, that's too much like work....[cool]:p