ram air

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Jun 5, 2010
ram air for buell;ive done some research and found that ram air works well on alot of vtwins and was wondering if anyone has give it a go. im in the process of fabing a ram air system for my lightning.will let u no how it works soon!if u have tried it what approach did u take? thanks
Yep it works well as long as it's not raining. Don't go too big or to high or you will defeat the whole purpose of trying not to run lean. A paper Filter can help with that. I have a Showyomoto Twin Ram Air I use on the Street XB12R-08 Bike during the hot seasons. I also use an K&N air with a thin wrap of the soft door screen to help works good and the plugs are nice. pop up a picture when all done. *Jimi[up]
thanks for your input i will do just that,i have a couple different configs im going to try in rough to determine best route with form n function. my goal is to keep it simple and unobtrusive as possible. i have a tendancy to over engineer sometimes! thanks again.george
I'm not sure exactly what constitutes ram air, but weren't the early xb's ram air?
I dont think its true ram air tho...I could be wrong and will probably be corrected.
Some of the 1st 90's & 2000 year and a few more Buells XB9s and so on had side airfilters Carbed models and newer intakes on the left side (XBs) that went through the Fuel frame. Kinda a indirect forced air but didn't work to well in traffic etc..
The newer upper airbox mid area intake works well for the design of EPA standards and regulations for newer XBs. But we all know the extra air helps in the hotter months. Too much air would need to have some minor Tuning done.
So as long as the Ram Air is not to large you should be fine you can use a paper filter or put a soft outer porus wrap on the outside of Say an K&N filter like I have been running for several years on my 08-XB12R. My Plugs look nearly perfect and mileage picked up about 8 extra miles to a fill up. Remember A True [Ram Air] would go up to the front WindShield so when the bike is moving it forces air down hard into the Airbox like my Race bike.
Just doing the Airbox as indirect air intake may not even need a tune. My 08 works just fine. Put it on and see what happens and remember to check the plugs before you ride with it on the Bike. Take youself a Picture of the plugs GOOD ones and then do 300miles and you will see if anything is needed. Have fun with your project. *Jimi ;)