View Full Version : I'm a 'tard...

09-29-2011, 12:53 PM
So I was checking my oil lvl and what not..

Long story short.. I left the cap off and rode about 40 miles with it that way. My oil light NEVER came on, I even checked the lvl at autozone when I noticed all the oil over my rear brake pads and rotor.. I added too much oil so the lvl is fine.

My question is should I change out the oil (I just did a change a week ago, fresh synthetic.) Im worried a little pebble or something got in the reservoir..

I've rode over 150 miles since my dumb ass mistake, figured the filter would catch anything big.. What is the WORST thing I could have caused from this stupid mistake.

Oh and the bike runs fine, no change in performance. Maybe shakes a bit more but then again that could be my worried mind making up things.

I honestly cannot believe I forgot to twist that bad boy closed. :(

09-29-2011, 01:40 PM
Don't feel too tarded sir. I change fluids in my quad before every ride and have failed to replace my fill plug not once but twice and didn't realize it until i got to my riding spot in the middle of no where. The finger off a rubber glove with a stick inside it got me riding. McGyvered it. I finally started carrying a spare in my gear bag.

Oil is cheaper than a motor. If you rode for a while I'd change the oil and filter just for the hell of it. Better safe than sorry.

09-29-2011, 01:44 PM
Oil is cheaper than a motor. If you rode for a while I'd change the oil and filter just for the hell of it. Better safe than sorry. [up]

09-29-2011, 01:48 PM
Oil is cheaper than a motor. If you rode for a while I'd change the oil and filter just for the hell of it. Better safe than sorry.

Very very good point. Ill be doing that either later today or tomorrow.

As I was riding, I was like... wtf I cant stop very well. Then at a stop light I look down and at my rear brakes and my heart just sank.. man oh man, I now know to double check, ****, triple check everything when I'm done wrenching something.

Thanks guys :D

09-29-2011, 06:16 PM
Yes change the oil but be sure to pick the bike up over your head and shake it just to make sure any little pebbles in the swingarm are out of there...


09-29-2011, 06:27 PM
I would change the oil just like NwRider said "oil is cheaper then a new motor". it never can hurt and plus what its 20 bucks in oil. that's cheap insurance and better to be safe then sorry.

09-29-2011, 06:29 PM
but dont feel bad. i over filled my xr600 the other day. i even said to my self only put one quart in and check the oil and what did i do???... i put in two quarts instead. we all do stupid crap like that from time to time. but the important thing is that you caught it before it caused and REAL issues.

09-29-2011, 09:12 PM
Oil changed and good to go!!!!

Thanks for the support guys :D:D

(I made sure I tightened the dip stick down and everything lol)