Another New Guy

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Sep 30, 2011
Gday everyone, Im new to the bull forum and hopefully will soon share some of my own buell stories! I currently dont own a buell (just moved to cali from aust) but im on the lookout for one asap. Ive owned a 1978 ducati darmah for the last 15 yrs and thought i would only go ducati from there on... until i heard and saw a buell lighting go down the road. i was hooked!! And now in america buells are about half the price of what you would have to pay in aust???

So my first question to anyone is who would know, what are the major differences in the xb9s and the xb12s? for riding that is... is the engine size a major difference in riding feel?

one more thing, what is up with the cali registration issues? 7500 miles or cannot be registered in california? has anyone run into this problem? So many good bikes on ebay / craigslist but low miles keep me from making a purchase... (and yes, it doe sound that crazy...)

Thanks guys, look forward to hearing from everyone [up]
as far as the 7500 mile rule. i have been told that you can not bring a bike from another state unless it has 7500 miles or more and i have been told that they are known to be pricks about that too. but there have been many great deals popping up on beullxb. i wish i had the cash for another bike.
as far as the differences in the 9 and 12, it depends what kind of riding you will be doing. There isnt much differences, the 12 has more power overall, but people say its nice having a 9 for city riding. it all depends on what you want to do with the bike.
Hello and welcome . If prices are similiar go with a 12 , always better to start with more power , cheaper than trying to upgrade 9 later . There has been some bikes on here lately from Cali . They are out there , good luck .
Thanks for the responses guys! I will never understand the cali 7500 mile rule!!! but will have to play the game while im here.
i guess i will be doing a bit of everything when it comes to riding style. seeing LA traffic is what it is, il be doing a lot of stop and starting.. something my old duke never enjoyed!! But ive heard that theres some great rides this way also, so will be doing them on the weekends. pretty much trying to steer clear of LA car drivers... (if there not texting, there bloody reading a script while driving!!)

thanks again for making me feel welcome!!

Hopefully I will find one soon!!
welcome to the forum Porter, LA traffic simply sucks every time I've driven through...just turn south on the 5 to San Diego, where things are a bit more civilized:D

anyway, I have a 2003 9s, with over 26k and it's been just fine for me, plenty of power and speed, also a head turner :D are you looking at buying a bike out of state or shipping one from home to SoCal? registration isn't that big of a deal, either it meets the emission standards or the 7500 miles you'll be fine, if you want to save the headaches involved, buy one locally / California model.
Thanks Thrstrmech! Right now im looking everywhere. If out of state, then it will have to have the 7500 miles on it (which kills me because ive seen a few perfect bikes to buy lately which are out of state, but only had 5000 miles on it so had to let them go.) Hopefully Ill find one locally, but def if the right one comes up from out of state, ill be more than happy to ship to LA.
The 7500 rule is because of the strict emissions laws. Motorcycles are typically 49 state legal, and of course there is a california only model. Sucks.

Anyway, in California you can "split" lanes. Perfectly legal so no reason to stop unless you are at a light. Have a look at motorcycle laws for cali. CHP is a good place to start.

For riding there are tons and tons of twisties. I lived in OC so the best place was Ortega highway. Not familiar with LA, but definitely take a ride on PCH to get started. There is a canyon in Malibu that cuts between PCH and the 405 or 101 or something like that. Can't remember but you can look at it on google.

Have fun!
Welcome to the family! You will find answers to all of your Buell questions here! Best of luck grabbing a bike!

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