disconnecting Park position on ignition.

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Well-known member
May 14, 2011
Any easy way for an electrically challenged guy? For the first time in like 2yrs I turned the key a click to far and got stuck at the motorpool with a dead battery.

Gotta feel like one hell of an idiot parked next to 10 other bikes, with yours ripped apart hoping it's a loose connection at the terminal.
Can you just remove the bulb? Will that stop the use of electricity? Anyone, anyone? Just a thought.
I dont know but i would assume there would be a seperate wire for the parking light on the ignition, get a test light and check it out. If it is its own wire then snip it would be my guess.
Not so simple - there are two sets of contacts in the ignition switch that are 'made' in the 'On' position.
The second set supplies power to the tail light, the headlight parking bulb and the blinker relay (and aux outlet on the early Uly's) - it is this set that does double duty in the 'Parking' position.
It is definitely technically possible to change the design but that is probably not what I would recommend given your statement about 'electrically challenged'.
On my Uly ('06) I have a voltage monitor that comes on if I go to "Park' so perhaps you could add a simple LED indicator that would alert you when the front 'Parking' light has power?

However, I would also suggest that having done that once you are unlikely to get caught by it again. ;)
We at one time or another have been caught by the Park demon Light.I just pay a little more attention but got lucky the first timeI did it due to being at a restaurant for just a couple of hours. I think Rays has a good point most of us don't do it after the first time. You could try to do a monitorlight that comes on Only when turned to park only Two wires OR just use a red majik marker maybe a small dot or some other way to remind you not to turn the Key too far. Good luck on that.*Jimi
reading this post is giving me ideas on making a way to charger you phone or iphone or gps while the bike is parked. but then once a second small barrty some where else goes dead and or the main goes to a set voltage it shuts off. that was if you switch it and you had it set up. it would stay on still the battery shut it off at a voltage that the bike will still start and plus charge whatever.... anyone interested?? i have a wire lay out :) and know where to get parts...
Yea I havn't done it since I first got the bike. Was in a hurrry and just didn't pay attention. It happens.

On the plus side, never know you could jump a bike using a car. So atleast I was able to get it runnin and home.

Putting in a warning light isn't a bad idea now that you mention it.
12v is 12v.
Any car, truck, jumper box, etc will work on a bike.

And I'd be careful charging anything while the bike is off.
Bike stators don't put out like a car's alternator.
Plus most bike batteries don't have much amp hrs to them like a huge car battery.
I do charge some things but only when needed and while the bike is running.
Yikes! I got bit once, thank got it was dark and I caught it before I closed the garage for the night. Like others, Im very cautious now [up]
I've converted every bulb over to LED and I've left my bike in parking mode for over 6 hours with no problem. I think doing the conversion is your easiest solution.