hesitation when I blip the throttle off idle with new race ecm.

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
I burned the race ecm and have a bit of a hesitation coming off idle if I blip/pop the throttle.

I have opened the airbox up
running K&N
breather reroute
stock exhaust with the valve held open

anything I can do? or any specific tuning with ecmspy that I can change to help with this problem?

Many thanks!
mine has that when its cold. and just after i did it. have you taken it for a ride yet?
It's hot. when I did the tps reset I let it get to 140 degrees and set the idle. it still had a hesitation.
id take it for a ride mine fixed it self for the most part the ecm has to relearn everything and i think thats what does it. go for a quick ride like 10- 20 min try to keep your rpms around 3000-4000.
I would do a quick datalog (don't have to go for a ride) and see if Megalog can "fix" it for you. Chances are with those mods that you need a bit more fuel.


I have a modded race map that you can try if you like. Just did the tune from a race map and have similar mods. It's not a complete rework of the race map, but mostly idle, off idle, and to 2-3krpm from 0-~40% throttle. Might not hurt to try.

(I'm assuming you have a 12, not a 9).
Aside from a custom tune, getting an XB to the trouble-free "blip" point is near impossible. Even then, they're just not made for blipping the throttle, and only leads to fouled plugs. Just the nature of the beast.
Yes what Steven Said is dead on and you can get it good but not perfect. Get with Octopus and try the Individual Tuning Method to see if that helps. the cough has been with the XBs for a while. Serious modifications have to be done for it to disappear. Then you wouldn't be able to ride on the Street with it. It balls to the wall when it's perfect and not a stop sign in sight! No Traffic either.Remember Buellers- Race means Race! Have fun and ride safe .*Jimi;):D
tried to get Rudd off it several times with no luck. I personally think it is an issue with the response time on the ecu. I don't think it processes quickly enough to compensate for all the extra air when you blip.

That's why this problem does not exist on big carbed twins... fuel metering is instant.
I wonder if it might be because of the timing of the blip, air coming in right after an already lean idle fueling, so the next adjustment is to richen it up, a shot of hevy fuel, and the throttle plates are closed, no more air, the afv is so rich it coughs, could that be what is happening? just asking.
Look the Harley Crank is a heavy one and on the XB model Bikes it is just not able to be Reved OR Bliped like many on these bike Riders want. The Buells just weren't made for that. With a Stock ECM tuning it w/ ECM SPY is going to help BUT not with that area.
Like I have explained many times the Crankshaft is large and heavy Compared to SAY an Inline 4/cylinder OR Even a V-Twin Like Foreign Bikes SAY Ducati OR I have a RVT 1000 Rc51 V Twin can't even compare those, but way different than Harley Style Engines.
The Timing has noting to do with bliping as it's called. Sorry it's just the Design. Yes sometimes you can do it and sometimes you do it at the wrong time.The Bike will Cough almost as if it's trying to Backfire but remember Erik Had only so much of a Budget to work with so Blame H/D! you would need to spend Thousands of Dollars and then would not be able to Ride it on the Street. Of Course then you can go Drag Racing anytime with it .Try to Tune the bike for the Best Streetable Ride. *Jimi
Aside from a custom tune, getting an XB to the trouble-free "blip" point is near impossible. Even then, they're just not made for blipping the throttle, and only leads to fouled plugs. Just the nature of the beast.

Look the Harley Crank is a heavy one and on the XB model Bikes it is just not able to be Reved OR Bliped like many on these bike Riders want. The Buells just weren't made for that. With a Stock ECM tuning it w/ ECM SPY is going to help BUT not with that area.
Like I have explained many times the Crankshaft is large and heavy Compared to SAY an Inline 4/cylinder OR Even a V-Twin Like Foreign Bikes SAY Ducati OR I have a RVT 1000 Rc51 V Twin can't even compare those, but way different than Harley Style Engines.
The Timing has noting to do with bliping as it's called. Sorry it's just the Design. Yes sometimes you can do it and sometimes you do it at the wrong time.The Bike will Cough almost as if it's trying to Backfire but remember Erik Had only so much of a Budget to work with so Blame H/D! you would need to spend Thousands of Dollars and then would not be able to Ride it on the Street. Of Course then you can go Drag Racing anytime with it .Try to Tune the bike for the Best Streetable Ride. *Jimi

What these guys said.

Buell worked wonders on the old Harley engine but it still has some MAJOR hinderances in the design that prevent stutter free "blipping":

-the HEAVY crank/flywheel assembly-Erik lightend it up a LOT but it's still crazy heavy.

-The narrow angle V and the uneven firing order (potato potato potato).

-The intake setup: Buells setup is VASTLY superior to Harleys but having 2 cylinders firing at uneven intervals sucking air through the same intake/throttle body causes turbulence in the intake manifold which can cause the cough/stutter (or as the Harley guys like to call it "carb farts") when the throttle is cracked open suddenly.

Basically, if it's coughing bad you can make it better but you'll NEVER get it perfect because the engine design won't allow it.
I HATE the term JAP bike. It sounds like a derogatory insult even if it wasn't really meant to be.

true true, kinda funny too. "bah, look at that damn Jap bike, if I wanted to hear that I'd just turn my blender on."
Just as a side note, I HATE the term JAP bike. It sounds like a derogatory insult even if it wasn't really meant to be.

some one get this dude a snickers bar and some midol asap!!
Thanks Captin/Sled, Some days I feel like Saying Get AN RVT Rc51 1000R and go to town Blipping the Throttle. MY Rc51 Has a D&D twin Full Race Exhaust NO Littke Blender Exhaust Pipes for me. WHO Started Selling those little pipes? Sounds like in [MY Opinion]like someones chain saw or something. I Realize that some just want to sound off their Sweet Ride. No need to Blip that Throttle.Just normal downshifting sounds good! Just idling sounds good. I'm not saying that I haven't reved it a little OR a lot if someone isn't moving along & away from the light. It gets their Attention! My Buell I can Actually Blip AS it's Called the Throttle but very easy on Down shifting. No Need to do that hard! The DrummerSS lets em know Hell is coming .Heh!Cranking the Throttle Hard on a V-Twin OR any Engine means it's Track Time. Ride Safe.*Jimi:D;)

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