Honestly there really isn't too many after market parts for Buells. Kinda sucks but, hey at least we have that you wont see twice on the road.
I'm ride with a few guys and we just took our mirrors off and put on a single bar-end mirror.
I put the 1125R mirrors on my Firebolt. Got rid of my front flashers... I love them, and they actually work. I can see whats behind me now.
Heres an older picture of my bike with them on.
I took mine off, stripped the rubber cover off, sanded the rusted metal arm and washers, sanded the mirror housing itself, with 800 grit, then painted both with filler primer paint, 2 coats, then 3 or 4 auto gloss black, then like 5 crystal clear enamel. Took all of 3- 4 hours. let cure for a day or 2. Then mounted em back on. I used a stainless allen head bolt to mach the rest of the bolts on the bike. and wallah! I will post a better pic soon if you want it.
They were factory mirrors. I put the 1125R Mirrors on my R. They are ok, I dont think they are the best as I have to lean forward to see out. But i love the LED blinkers in them.
I've got the pig spotter 2s. Still haven't mounted them. The best way is going to be a coustom fit by filing the foot of the mirror for a slick fit. I'll be sure to get a photo in here soon.
They are w-i-d-e angle. In either mirror I can see either side of the bike and myself. To look way down the road behind you I just push out my elbow a few inches. Any thing else that is close enought to matter is very easy to see. I have no problem identyfying my riding buddies behind me. AND NO VIBRATION, clear view all the time.