Android ECM App

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Keep going with it for a real time display and be able to make adjustments. Id love to have that!!
I'm open to ideas for what people would want to see in a final version of this. I'm looking to at least do data logging for tuning and a real time display with basic info (temp, RPM, TPS, ect...). This App should be compatible with the bluetooth dongle that Xopti sells, but I would need to double check with him to verify the chip he uses.
Honestly I would prefer the ability to use my USB cable. But that could be just me.
I agree with you DustyXB, unfortunately Android does give a stand way to use the USB port for communications. Bluetooth is the only way to get data into the phone. Now think about this running on a tablet...... Taking the rest of my day off to keep coding. I will update as I get more work done. If there is anyone that has Android programming experience or that wants to help out, let me know. The more the merrier!
Well, at the moment... no[cool]. And it depends on what you mean by 'older'. DDFI-2, for sure, DDFI-3, very plausible. Unfortunately the documentation on DDFI-1 is a bit sketcher than the newer ones and I don't have a tube frame at my disposal to test. So the short answer, likely yes. There is no reason that code couldn't be written to do everything that ECMSpy does (like viewing/resetting error codes, TPS reset, built in tests, and EEPROM flashing and back up, table modification). If I could get the assistance of someone more experienced with tuning there is no reason that real time updating of fuel maps based on logged data couldn't be done from the phone/tablet.
That is pretty sick man. I have an 03 Firebolt that I have been needing to do a TPS reset on but I don't have the cable or ECMSPY so this would be awesome!
buellblood, you will still need to get a bluetooth adapter for the bike if you want to use an android app. Also, just in general, if you are a bit of an electronics nerd you can build a serial connection to your bike real easy. All you need is a MAX232 and an LM7805 or other 5V regulator.

Also, since I've got the bike communication down I'll be working on the GUI over the next few days. Does anyone around here have low level experience interfacing with the ECM. I gotta say that the documentation on the ECMSpy is nothing short of amazing, but there are a few questions I've come up with that are would likely be answered by someone with a little experience.
Is bluetooth connectivity truly the only option for androids? USB adapters can are freely available on eBay and elsewhere that allow direct connection of USB keyboards, mice and thumbdrives to android phones. I would think that current ECMSPY cables could therefore be used to connect directly between the ECM and the android.

Personally, I would prefer cabled datalogging to minimize the chance of dropouts and corrupted data (always a risk with wireless comms). That said, I'm a gadget geek and would love to see a robust and reliable wireless tool for android tuning.

I would think programming for USB operation using already existing ECMSPY cables would be a much shorter path to developing your app. For me, the app functionality would have priority over the method of connection. Develop the app first and its feature set with full USB operation, then develop the bluetooth connection.

Just my .02. Rock on with your project! Anxious to see your progress.
Hey Tork, thanks for the thoughts. I've written my code to work with a different communications option without major changes. I haven't look too much into USB communication on android before, but a quick check looks shows that there are options to make this work that I didn't see before. I'm gonna order some parts and see how it goes. Also, its a little cold right now to be doing programming in my garage next to my bike, so waiting for good weather.
Its here its here its here! Go to xopti its in the very bottom left of the downloads page! Thanks xopti!!
Yep xopti does its $90. I spent about $70 to make mine so for an extra $20 And u get the app. I'm gonna go ahead and order one of his, its not very water resistant so he says not to leave it on the bike. When I made mine I added an off to the grnd cuz I heard of homade units draining Batts fryn themselves an such plus mines in a silicone tube. All stuff I can fix on xopti's unit I'm more interested in the bt module
I looked and looked I finally found Tps reset. Its the white button @ the top under "active tests"
Saw one of your posts today about ecmdroid app from xopti's website and downloaded it today. I already had one of his Bluetooth modules. I went out to the bike and within 2 minutes I was up and running. All I can say is WOW this is GREAT! Not sure who was all involved in making this APP but THANKS A LOT! I have not done it yet but it looks like this will make data logging a breeze! It was odd while I was playing with it today the dam phone rang and dame near scared the crap out of me! LOL
The coolest thing I've done so far is copy about 5 different eeproms to my phone that have real similar tunes for different exhausts basically. I go out and data log each one for like an hour (its gorgeous in Arlington TX right now 72°). After I finish I study the afv corrections that way I'm not having to start from square1 and I'm not starting from just any random race map. I start my custom tune from the most applicable base map I can find