electronic throttle overide

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Sep 6, 2008
under the air box on the 1125r/cr there is an electric soleniod that can overide the hand throttle. Remus calls it a "Bowden soleniod". any one got any info about it. is it for safety or does it limit the throttle when i go wide open?. buell was very slick with their spring and cable selection because when i overide it by hand i cant feel a diffrence in the twist throttle.
think it's in case of an accident...when bike is on it's side, it will cut off the throttle action so nothing (you) won't get stuck between the wheel, sprocket/belt...

but i don't know for sure. :eek:
That sounds right. I know jap bikes have that.

That Lefox is one smart cookie. I wouldn't have thought of that. [up]
almost every bike has a bank angle lean sensor and that does the job fine, why would they make a special selinoid to do the job of a BAS sensor. who knows it might just be a electronic cruis control, lol:). or some weird speed limiter, hey lb1096 try topin out the bike with the sensor pluged in and without it plugged in, see if ya go faster.
Fock347 - Posted: 21 Sep 2008 18:43 said:
hey lb1096 try topin out the bike with the sensor pluged in and without it plugged in, see if ya go faster.
lb1096 - Posted: 20 Sep 2008 22:46 said:
because when i overide it by hand i cant feel a diffrence in the twist throttle.
I havent rode it with it unplugged but the guage starts flashing "throttle malfunction" so i didnt ride it. but heck ill try
I dont think disconnecting it electronically does the job completely. Some people were saying the solenoid mechanically only allows the butterflies to open about 80%.

I took the whole thing out and put on the resistor chip from Buell. You don't have to get the chip, but it keeps the harmless error code from poping up.
Try puting your bike in 3rd gear at about 4k rpm and go WOT. You'll notice the bike lose power dramatically with the solenoid on.

I took the thing out and the ram airbox cover. The bike is running so much smoother.
You can get it at Buell, but the hard part is explaining to them what the hell you're talking about.

I'm sorry I dont have the part number to help you. It's only like $7 I think.
well they might be right. i unpluged it and could not feel change. so maybe disconnecting the cable will help.
thats no joke samcol. if you ask for anything for the 1125r the parts guys are lost. it took 3 months to get an l.e.d. for a rear turn signal that went out.