Are you close to a decibel meter?- new law ruining fun in Calgary

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Jan 18, 2010

Wondering if any one has ever measured there noise levels? The city I live in is going to start using noise snares to ticket anything over 96 DB. :(

I currently have an aluminium Jardine can, which I am positive is to loud but I am wondering about a Stock system or even a Hawk.
When I get a chance I will check mine. I have the same pipe. I'm pretty positive it is over the limit you posted. One question what is a snare? Other than a drum:D
I have checked my Jardine just standing still reving it and it was peaked at 115db. I think under power it might be a little more than just straight reving maybe 120db.

Read the laws closely because at "Cruising speed" is where all cars/bikes are set for db laws. I know cruising at 35 in a top gear im prolly around that 96db.
Buell Stock XB9 113 XB9Stock.mp3 110 db scale
Buell Stock XB12 116 XB12Stock.mp3 110 db scale
Buell Race XB9 120 XB9Race.mp3
110 db scale, peaked at 120 but
Buell Race XB12 120 XB12Race.mp3
Drummer XB9 122 XB9_Drummer.mp3
Drummer XB12 123 XB12_Drummer.mp3
Drummer SS XB9 121 XB9_SSDrummer.mp3
Drummer SS XB12 N/A XB12_SSDrummer.mp3
Didn't record peak value, was
quieter than most
Latus XB9 124 XB9Latus.mp3
Latus XB12 123 XB12Latus.mp3
D&D XB9 124 XB9_D&D.mp3 Sustained, not just peak
D&D XB12 124 XB12_D&D.mp3 Sustained, not just peak
Jardine XB9 122 XB9Jardine.mp3
Apparent Volume was much
Jardine XB12 123 XB12Jardine.mp3
Special Ops XB9 123 XB9Special_Ops.mp3
Special Ops XB12 123 XB12Special_Ops.mp3
Micron XB9 123 XB9_Micron.mp3
Micron XB12 123 XB12_Micron.mp3
Table 2- Audio data
Hell I couldn't drive anything I own in your city. Where is that so I know not to go there.
What is the distance from the exhaust that it's measured from? It will make a HUGE difference.
What is the distance from the exhaust that it's measured from? It will make a HUGE difference.
the standard is 20 inches at a 45 deg angle at the height of the exhaust
We have some pretty good audio equipment at work that I might be able to get some decent numbers from on my Hawk (but I'm pretty sure it won't pass that test ;)
keith: if you're worried about being cited, don't be. these noise ordinance violations are being institued to round up the punks with the sewer-pipe exhausts on their civics as well as ground pounding stereos. they are not for motorcycles and extremely unlikey a bike would be cited. the intent is for officers to situate themselves in noise-prone areas with high complaint recidivity and pick off the bastards making all the noise. anyone on a buell won't be targeted i can assure you.
^ I agree with lunatic.

If you are reasonable and don't be loud just to be loud, you most likely won't have an issue. Draw attention to yourself and give them a reason to cite you, then they will.
If you are reasonable and don't be loud just to be loud, you most likely won't have an issue. Draw attention to yourself and give them a reason to cite you, then they will.

exactly what i was trying to say but i was rambling. :D
I believe Calgary Alberta came out with a noise bylaw directed at only motorcycles last year, and here in Ontario,Caledon a city north of Toronto has motorcycle only noise bylaw.From what I have read the way they are conducting the test most stock bikes could fail.
Denver, Colorado has a noise law for motorcycles. With just a race pipe I know I'm close to or over then limit. When I've had to go through town i just keep my rpm around 2000-2500, never been bothered.

Don't really care for ridding in the city anyway.
lol. I was followed today by an NYS police unmarked suv and I just put my Keda RTXB1 on the other day. I was in 5th gear and cruising at 65-70 in a 55 zone. He didn't f with me and I let him pass me when he was behind me. I'm sure he took a good look at me, but he then blew by me and went on his way. The Keda is way over 96db. I love it.

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