XB12SCG vs. XB12S

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Nov 6, 2006
After 1-1-07 I will be purchasing a Buell XB12S....Need some input as to which motorcycle between the S and the SCG I should get, I'm 5'11 150lb....any input will be taken in to thought.

I have a Scg model but I'm 5'7". Buells are small framed bikes so you'll feel more confident either way. I'd say stick with the regular S model and then if you still want to sit lower you can get an aftermarket seat later that will knock off an inch or so. My Scg is way lower than my old 2000 Honda CBR 600 F4. I'd have to say the Buell XB12S is to motorcycles as the Corvette Z06 is to cars. You'll have fun on any Buell.


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Being 5'11", dont get the CG because you dont need the lower seat height that model offers. You can fit onto a XB12S no problem. If you just want to be lower to the ground the seat they offer puts you 1.5" closer to the earth. Only problem with the XB12CG is they get the dropped ride height by taking the travel out of the suspension. So if you dont need the drop I wouldnt get it....personally. Unless your stuck on a color option that only comes on the CG, in that case just swap plastics.
Hello all. Ok here's my story. I have an HD softail and my wife has a sportster. She wants a sport bike so she can HWY ride with me and enjoy the ride. I really like th Buells and look forward to riding. Although this will be my wifes bike ,I can't wait. Question is CG or S? she wants the lower bike, she is 5' 8". My thinking is to go for the cg? We will be HWY riding and one thought was the Long might be better for her with bags and all?
Would like any input from veteren riders?
Thank you.
any one interested in an "old school" sporters for a CG?
I would go with the Long. I have the Buell Scg model and I'm 5'7" tall. I think she might be more confident and comfortable on the long. You can buy the low seat and shave off another inch or so. For HWY riding I suggest that you get her a taller aftermarket wind screen. The wind factor can be rough on the HWY with a naked Buell. I love my Scg for riding around town and on country roads. Good luck!
here is a site with the windscreen. not good pixs but looks like it would do the job.


Buellxb! thanks for the good words on the ss vs cg,gut tells me she will want the CG.
Can't find a lower seat yet.
I'll keep you posted
I have only riden the SCG but damn if its not fantastic on these back roads, if your in an area were you have lots of back roads with lots of corners the SCG is the bomb, in and out of corners like nothing. I like being lower to the ground for all kinds of reasons.
recently collected my XB12S with the seat off the SCG. 'm 1.83 cm tall and wigh 85 kg. Fits perfect!
Also i find the seat of the SCG gives a bit extra support (it has a deeper curve). It is though a bit harder, but i like it that way.
My riding buddy just got the CG, but it's not like she had much choice, being 5-1 and 94 pounds. She can barely touch the points of her toes with the front forks moved up in the triple clamps and all of the preload taken out of the rear. She certainly can't have more than a 1/2 inch of sag when she sits on it. We'll be looking to have a new spring made for the rear, both slightly shorter and a little softer. Right now she one foots it, which isn;t a problem for her, but backing the thing up is impossible.

I have to say though, I can't imagine anyone taller than 5-5 or so needing the SG.