View Full Version : OIL LEAK

06-05-2012, 11:38 AM
The past few days i noticed just a touch of oil around the fill cover. Took it off last night and noticed one of the holes for the screw was cracked slightly. I would hate to have to buy a whole new primary cover. Is there anyway I can use something to fill in that crack?? Would some locktight around the screw itself help anything?


06-05-2012, 09:06 PM
tiny crack. i would try cleaning the hell out of it with either prepsol or brake cleaner. clean and clean and then apply threebond sealant to both the threads and area of crack, install cover and tighten. takes three bond several hours to fully cure. you could use either threebond case sealer or thread/pipe joint sealant.

06-05-2012, 10:10 PM
I would just use some high-temp liquid gasket, it's basically non-hardening silicon. Just don't torque the cover bold down very tight.

When I had to replace a side cover on a Honda that’s all I used and never had a leak. (until I broke the cover again:D)

06-06-2012, 12:22 AM
Sounds better than 250 bucks. Auto part store or home depot?

06-06-2012, 10:44 AM
They would probably have it at an auto parts store, just make sure it's high-temp and non-hardening. Worst comes to worst, you can find it at a metric bike store.

Just clean everything, put a thin coating (1/8in thick) over the gasket on the cover and on the threads of the bolts. Using on the threads will keep them from vibrating out. Tighten down snug as you can with a screwdriver. (Torx tip)