Running out of fuel far too early

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Sep 18, 2008
Hey all,
Today my bike sputtered and died while on standard fuel, as if it had run out of gas, but I've only ridden 83 miles since I last topped off the tank. I switched to reserve, she started just fine, and I was off and riding again, no problems.
Anyone know why I would "run out" of fuel at 83 miles? I don't know what the internals of the tank look like but it seems like I don't have access to the full tank...
Tell us more about the bike and what kind of gas mileage you normally get.

I had the same problem, I needed gas after 91 miles. The tank before that got 135 miles and the one after that got 127 miles. My fiance filled up at the same place and her car ran like **** and got very poor gas mileage also. Hopefully it's just bad gas. Fill up somewhere else and try again.

If you don't think it's gas for some reason check your compression and your spark plugs. They are the most likely to have a poor gas mileage affect.
I just started riding and get the bike early october so i havent had enough time to really say what mileage i usually get. I know i got more than 170 miles on a full tank the first time i filled it all the way.

Bad gas is a possibility. When gas prices rocketed i found a few stations around here (baltimore, md) were selling ****** fuel. i last filled at a decent station though, not a no-name cheap gas joint.

I'll try to get a good mileage test after my next fillup. Other than the recent incident, I haven't noticed any strange smells, leaks, etc.
I switched to reserve
How exactly does on do that?
I don't think I have a reserve...
What are you riding???

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"
"On the road to Mandalay,
Where the screamin' Firebolts play,
An' the X1s come up like thunder
outer China 'crost the bay."

--Rudyard "Maddog" Kipling
I think he's got an older bike that has a petcock with a reserve like my sportster does not a newer XB.

When I got ****** gas mileage like that it was from Chevron, I normally go there and 76 because I think they have the best gas. **** happens to the good gas companies too. Several years ago someone got styrofoam or something like that in their tanks and had to replace a lot of people's injector and clean tanks and stuff like that. I want to say it was 76 but I'm not sure

Here's a picture, it has two "levels" to draw fuel out of, so when you sputter out you switch to the lower level and go to the gas station.
What kind of Buell do you ride? And where did you get **** gas? I live in Baltimore and would like to avoid that.
He rides a buell blast guys, and I had thought they do have a reserve line on them? I could be wrong. You sure you filled up? I know its a dumb question but I dont see how you could have lost half your mpg any other way, unless you have a fuel leak maybe. Plugs, rompin on the throttle, Dirty air filter, I dont see any of that losing you half your mpg on a tank.

I ride a 12R, and I get around 120 miles till my light comes on, couple weeks back I got 86 miles and the light turned, I attributed it to not getting out of town the entire tank so I was stuck in 3rd gear and less that 40mph the whole while. When I get on the highway for rides iv gotten 140 before the light.
I ride an 02 Blast. There's a petcock (a valve you turn like a key) just below the left side of the tank. It has 2 positions: "ON" for normal tank, "OFF" for maintenance and watching your friends stall your bike, and "RES" for reserve. Blast have no fuel gauge; you either learn your mileage or switch to reserve before your bike dies.

@Thaloc I am sure I filled up. I actually want through 2 tanks of gas since I've gotten the bike and I've been resetting my trip odo every fill. This is why I was so surprised. When I get out of work I'm going to try riding back on the regular tank and see what happens.
This might sound like a dumb question but did you check your tank to see if there was still fuell in it. I just worked on a Vstar and he was having the same problems, I found out he took it to his dealership to have things done with it, he took it back and they said they couldnt find anything wrong. To make a long story short they pinched his line under the tank, easy fix.
Speaking from my personal experience, some gas pumps freakin' push major pressure and the "splash-back" kicks the pump off pre-maturely. And also, just a always using at least 91 octane when you fillup?
@skellybuell: I filled up until there was a level of gas over the bump in the tank (usually i just fill level with it). It took just over 1 gallon to do this, which means there should have been around 1.8 gallons of fuel already in the tank (total fuel capacity 2.8gal). Once I fueled up, i was back on regular tank with no problems.

@Stevenc150: No, I've been using 87. From what I've read 87 is fine this this bike. I've looked into MPG tables for riders using 87 and it doesn't seem like they've had any issues.

mpg ref:
When's the last time it's had a tune up? It may not solve the problem, but it will eliminate some potential causes of the problem as well as just plain be good for it.
I've only had the bike for just over a month and a half. i rode for over 300 miles on the first 2 full tanks of gas. it passed inspection at the end of october, and furthermore it has been running fine since i filled up again. i still dont know why it behaved like i was out of regular fuel when there *was* over a gallon and a half in the tank.

[confused] i'll see if it happens again before i worry about it.
Like i said it might have a pinched hose. Is it fuel in the frame or a tank. Sorry dont know much about the Blast. If it has a tank does it have a crossover. Maybe you need a new petcock... I will have to do some homework on the Blast and maybe i can come up with a solution but i have seen the prob before and it was just a pinched hose.
I'm at 55 miles on regular tank still. We'll see how far I get...unfortunately I don't think I'll be riding all that much this week. Today it's 27 degrees out and my ride to work was frigid.
OK, so my bike sputtered out of fuel at 75.5 miles while riding on Saturday, at which point I switched to reserve and it perked back up and kept going. So the problem wasn't a tank of bad gas, but I still don't know what it is.

What do you all suggest I look at? Remove the tank and look for...I don't know...clogs and gremlins? Because there actually is still gas in the main tank, will that spill over into the reserve and allow me to just run the reserve tank until the bike is actually out of fuel (I know this could leave me stranded w/o fuel)?
I know you post was on the 15 of Dec. But that this the last post i see. I am having the same prob. I got about 105 miles on the tank before stalling out 3 times. I switched to reserve because it was acting like it was running outta fuel. Had no probs the rest of the way to work. Couldn't check the fuel because it was at 5 in the morning so i couldn't see. But when i stalled those 3 times, it would start right back up. But would stall shortly after taking off. If you had a solution to the problem you had, could you please share it with me. Going to ride home tonight on RESERVE. I hope it gets me there. I have an 04 Blast. Just over 1000 miles on it. Currently have 108 miles on it.. Thanks for the help in advance.