Look at this awesome idea.

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2011

Think of how much safer it could make intersections!

That is all.
Interesting concept but think of this.
Making lights into theses turns every spot into a drag race.
I think its a bad idea, 'cause its going to do what cops try to prevent people from doing ....... speeding up through intersections.
However, if everyone speeds up through intersections anyway...why not try and make it safer? Cool concept ...
Yeah true, i guess it would help you be able time the light better and prevent you from speeding up just so I have to jam on the brakes from a surprise Yellow.
But what happens when you come to a intersection and you see it yellow and you speed through it when it's at really at ready, would you be running a red light?
Good point. How would you know which yeallow it was?
I say no more 90 degree intersections, Roundabouts for all, let's slim down the chicken strips and stop squaring off our tires. :D
Roundabouts, hell no!!! they suck...had enough of those both in Kuwait and Saudi, we've got bad drivers already, let's not make it worse:p ...besides it would be to much like NASCAR, nothing but left turns:D:D:D with an occasional righty:p
Interesting design but it would never work. Color blind drivers would have difficulty determing if the count down was for red to green or vise versa.

Now if they applied the same count down idea but kept them in the traditional 3 step design, that would be helpful.
Is SA this would cause endless sh#t.

People can't even figure out their own shoe size here and you want them to understand numbers and hour glasses.

Good population control though. ;) :D
I've even been to a third world country that has a big countdown next to the traffic light similar to this but also works for red lights.
This is a cool idea, but since the general population is a bunch of idiots, all this would do is have everyone gunning it to beat the light(since they now know when it's going to change), and over anticipating green lights.
Its a great idea but having yellow before it changes back to green is a bad idea. Yellow cannot mean its almost time to go. If you come around a corner and see its yellow do you proceed to stop or just slow down a little knowing it will turn green?

But people are dumb and would ruin it for everyone. As it is we have pretty long delays between when the light turns red and the opposite direction turns green because people run the red so much. Also at intersections people can usually see the other light anyway and will inch right through the light like they NEED to be somewhere. Then when they are directly under the light and it turns green they sit there for a while until they proceed forward. I find this very annoying.

I use the crosswalk timer as a way to gauge when the light will turn red anyway.
buellxb9rs...I saw that in Saudi...also a three lane road at intersections turned into 5 or more depending on how small your vehicle was, let's not forget making a left turn from the far right lane across traffic at intersections too, made driving in LA look like childs' play:D
Interesting design but it would never work. Color blind drivers would have difficulty determing if the count down was for red to green or vise versa.
Excellent point that can be solved by using this in addition to the traditional three color signals.

This is a cool idea, but since the general population is a bunch of idiots, all this would do is have everyone gunning it to beat the light(since they now know when it's going to change), and over anticipating green lights.
How many times have you speed up even though the light was still green, yet you were a long way off? This would eliminate the guess of how much longer the light will be green.
How many times have you speed up even though the light was still green, yet you were a long way off? This would eliminate the guess of how much longer the light will be green.

Why would I speed up with a green light? I typically cruise around 5 over the limit and if the light turns yellow and I can maintain speed and cross the solid white line before red I continue, if not then I stop. Pretty simple lol.

If you put a countdown to red then people will be flooring it when they are way back from the light to beat it, say it's a 45mph speed limit they will gun it to 70mph to beat a light. Very dangerous. Say someone tries to beat the light and doesn't make it and now you have someone flying through an intersection at say 70mph on red.
People are color blind. The order of the colors are what make standard lights work for these people.
I just look at the crosswalk to know if the lights going to change some have a countdowns. The ones that don't have a five count from when they stop flashing easy enough to time lights.

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