Hawk Pipe

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2012
Bought this (see below) and the next day I was able to buy an EBR Race Pipe to go with my recently acquired EBR Race ECM; added a K&N...love the plug & play concept (thanks sb).

Started life as a XB9 so will work on your 9 or 12. Mounted, test fired, removed. Paint isn’t even cured yet. If your motto is "loud pipes save lives"...your be as safe as in your mother’s arms ;)

No secrets here, so everyone already knows what I paid, plus I bought the donor pipe. If anyone is legitimately interested, drop me a PM or reply here. Parts for my 07XB12SS may be considered. Guns and gold jewelry also put a grin on my face:D. And no I'm not a prepper !!!

I’ll ask this respectively; Hawk haters please don’t bog down my thread. Thank You !!!

I'm interested but..... The wife insisted on buying Christmas gifts for the kids. Good luck with the sale. (secretly hoping it's still available in January)
I'm interested but..... The wife insisted on buying Christmas gifts for the kids.

just think of some way that pipe will benefit the kids so you can talk your wife into it

or just say the kids have been bad this year and don't need anything....

or say that your bike is just as much part of the family and it needs a Christmas present to!
I'm interested but..... The wife insisted on buying Christmas gifts for the kids.

You mean they don't want a black cylindrical piece of metal for Christmas? You could buy it and then give them the cardboard box it came in to play with... they always seem to like the non-toys the best anyway. ;^)
Back at ya' Cecilsan

You could buy it and then give them the cardboard box it came in to play with... they always seem to like the non-toys the best anyway. ;^)
I can attest to that. My son would be entertained for hours by hiding in a box in the living room. I would just occasionally yell..."I'm still looking"...who needs babysitters !!!
I'd take a Hawk over the Buell Race any day, Don't get me wrong - the BRM is great. But I like scaring the hell out of everyone. The Hawk shakes the air and the ground. Race muffler... not so much.