View Full Version : Frozen Throttle?

12-23-2008, 04:50 PM

My bike was out in below freezing temperatures for a few days, and when I attempted to ride it it appeared as though the throttle was frozen or something. It wasnt the handle but somewhere in the actual innards. After warming it up a bit I was able to get it moving but it still wouldn't spring back into place.

Think it's just cold or could it be rusted or a bigger problem?

12-23-2008, 05:59 PM
Given the freezing temps, I'd say you've got water in in your throttle cables.

Get one of these (http://www.motionpro.com/motorcycle/partno/08-0182) and some good lube like this (http://www.motionpro.com/motorcycle/tools/view/cable_lube/). Good to go.