View Full Version : eriK buell rotor bolt kit issue.

02-27-2013, 05:15 PM
After putting the bolt kit on my front end seemed a little better..but it still vibrated at low to moderate braking and made noise.
I know the rotor is supposed to float..but it is quite loose.
I took it apart and found that the spacers are tbicker than the rotor..so there is no way it will ever be tight with the parts it comes with. And yes..i threw away the other stock parts per the instructions.
Has anyone used tbis kit and noticed a problem?
Danny and Eric Buell racing says they are still on the first 1200 of the spacers so it could not be a bad set..i am wondering what else could be wrong?
Now my rotor is sbowing a wear pattern that say warped to me.
Danny is sending me a new kit...but somehow i think it is not that since i had some noise and vibration when i got the bike.
I am pretty broke but i guess i need a new rotor and pads too..wierd stuff i tell ya.
After all tbis it better be right...sigh.

02-27-2013, 06:02 PM
Why did you think the hardware kit would fix your issue, and installed to an old rotor? Is it the up-dated kit i almost think those are meant for the new race rotor which you should get anyways. The thicker washers compensate for the race rotor that has a machined indent so it sits centered. I wouldnt ride the bike as you have it, could cause a bad brake issue if its not spaced properly. I have the old race rotor that works with old hardware not positive the updated kit works with factory rotors.

02-28-2013, 02:44 AM
of course the spacer is thicker than the rotor. did you install all the washers right? By spacer im assuming you are referring to the top hat.


02-28-2013, 03:15 AM
The spacers ARE supposed to be wider(slightly) than the rotor. This allows movement for when the metal heats(expands) and cools(contracts).

I just put the new EBR kit on my bike and have a few hundred miles on it, the brake works as good if not better as with the original hardware.

02-28-2013, 03:35 AM
Did you reuse old pads too?

02-28-2013, 04:44 AM
I'm using the updated hardware kit on an oem rotor(I resurfaced it with an orbital sander) and put new pads(cheapos from ebay). I resurfaced the rotor and put the new pads on about a year ago(couple thousand miles) and at that time reused the oem hardware. This year(couple hundred miles ago) I installed the new rotor hardware kit and used same rotor and pads. Everything has been and still is fine.