Engine Warning Light

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Apr 13, 2010
Howya Folks?

I was out for a spin yesterday (2007 XB9SX Lightening) and an engine warning light came on for about 30 seconds and then went.

I finally found my logging cable today and I found the following in the Historic Error Codes
Byte 1:10
Bit 4: Trouble Code 13 O2 Sensor Inactive or Open

There was nothing in the current Error code list

Can anyone tell me what this is and if this is anything to worry about.


Same thing is happening to me but in my case is worse I have the following errors in historic and none current and the bike runs fine

14 engine temperatura to low / broken wire
14 engine temperature to high /short to ground
13 rear o2 always rich
13 rear o2 always lean
13 rear o2 inactive
11 TPS too low / short to ground
11 TPS too high / short to supply voltage
36 cooling fan 1 (rear or right) short to ground
44 bas to high

I readin the manual that when errors are detected the engine ligth will come on until the bike is connected to a computer or after 50 cicles running on and off and the same errors are not detected any more

Hope my bike doesn't explode on me ;0)
I've seen bad grounds do some really weird things. I'd double check all of the ground connections on the bike. Up front, kind of behind the headlights. On top of the rear cylinder, connecting the engine to the frame. The one connecting the battery to the frame (tighten both ends). And I believe there is one more under the seat.
Buellysses many thanks for the info.

It's gonna be the weekend or after before I get a chance to have a look myself.

Orgeopes if you get a look at yours before me will you take some pics of exactly where the grounds are and post them up here. It'd be gratefully appreciated
So i did a quick check because i dont have any tools where i am

On my 07 STT both high and low voltage grounds are on the same rail can any one tell me if this is normal i know on other xb models one is on one rail the other on the other rail

Also I notice that my BAS has one screw loose will fix it when I have the proper tool

I still have to check the ground behind the windscreen I think i might have a problem here since my dashboard is a little loose
pull it out till you get the tools because it will be gone by the time you get home. 02 sensor could be going it is in the exhaust pipe on rear cylinder or the wire is rubbing on something and grounding it.

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