View Full Version : A different kind of hard starting

04-28-2013, 11:21 AM
'08 XT with 4500 miles.

When I bought it, I thought the battery was old and weak since the following happens at every start... I push the start button, I hear the click and the motor starts to turn over, there's a pause like there isn't enough juice from the battery, then it starts. I thought the fan was draining the battery after a ride since the pause gets longer and longer with every ride and start.

So I got a new battery but it didn't change the pause between hitting the ignition and the motor turning over. I'm now keeping it on a tender after each use - something I've never had to do before with any bike I've had. I'm just used to a bike kicking over immediately upon ignition.


04-28-2013, 11:29 AM
To me it sounds like the starter like it's under powered and the compression of the motor is keeping it from turning over. Then once the starter gets it to roll over once it just keeps the momentum and kicks it over. That's my thoughts so I know you can get your starter checked. You can try it if you want.

04-28-2013, 11:39 AM
my firebolt does the same thing. did what you did. it did help. but check your starter and all your grounds.

04-28-2013, 12:58 PM
My 09 Ss has done it ever since it was brand new. I have switched over to a lithium ion battery just recently and it still does it. Try a google search of BuellXB for starter issues as I think it is a common occurrence and I want to say there is a fix, but it involves removing and disassembling the starter. I'm lazy and or have just gotten used to it over the years.

04-28-2013, 01:15 PM
Both 09 xb12r's I have owned have done the same thing. With 11 miles on it the first one did it since day one. Click, pause, crank, fire. Always sounds like too much compression for the starter. I have not heard of a starter fix but if someone has more info I would like to hear.

04-28-2013, 02:34 PM
I'm with lawdog on this. I've owned my bike since 2007 / 38,000 miles and mine has always paused before starting. I've never used a tender. The bike has always started up like that. As long as your clock isn't resetting and the bike fires up, I say ride it and don't worry. If the clock does reset then you've got an electrical break down somewhere. JMO
Good Luck

Dave A
04-28-2013, 02:53 PM
Me too, same thing since new.

04-28-2013, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the responses... It makes me feel better. One if the reasons I asked was that of all the times I've started it, it's only cranked over immediately one time. I'm going on a 5 day trip soon and I didn't want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere!

04-29-2013, 07:11 AM
Second what everybody else said, my 06 Uly has hesitated to start since I bought it new.

06-23-2013, 11:27 PM
I'd like to get back to this issue...and would love to hear what you think about my symptoms... [confused]

'06 Ully, has had it's stock H-D battery in it untill 2011. Didn't use the bike for a looooo-ooooong period (>6months) so the battery was dead. Replaced it with a Yuasa 14BS-something (same refs as my CB1000 & ZRX1100 ^^).
Everything was fine until a month or 2 ago.
When hitting the starterbutton -> clicketickeritick... I released it immediately. Repeated the operation and it started right away.
A few weeks ago, things deteriorated, and I had to pull in the clutchlever in order to avoid the clicketickeritick.
(did'nt knew anything could be dragging while in neutral? [confused])
Now since last week...it's just getting worse.
Hitting the starter-button, NOTHING happens, not a click, lights nor dash are shutting down. When FULLY pulling the gashandle it starts to clicketickeritick, but takes a lot of effort to finally get the engine cranking.
Battery has been charged completely, hooked up a second (almost new & unused from my Kawi) battery, but still getting the same issues.

Could this 'simply' be the battery that is dying on me?
Do I have to fear for anyting worse? (Starter motor, stator? :( )
Checked my cables, ground-connections, grinded them a bit but where all OK.
And of course....NO Harley-dealer that is available on Mondays!! [down] :p :D

Many thankx in advance for your support, guys! [up]

06-24-2013, 04:30 AM
The stock HD battery (really a Deka or Scorpion) is actually quite high quality. I had a Yuasa and it was just barely enough juice to turn the bike over.