View Full Version : Lighting Seats for Sale

06-25-2013, 11:28 AM
I have 3 used lighting seats for sale
1st is part # N0025.1AJYW which was stock on my 08 XB9SX. In good condition. Asking 75$ plus shipping
2nd is part # M0090.1AC which has the Buell logo. It is in good condition but leather needs constant attention. Asking 125$ plus shipping
3rd is part number M0090.1AD HIGH Has a few rubs from storage and missing "band" Otherwise in good condition. Asking 50$ plus shipping.
Cash/Money Order/Paypal. Will meet half way if you live less than 200miles from me. South Louisiana. Feel free to email/PM for more info or to request specific photos. Willing to trade 1st or 3rd seat for complete lighting "cheese grater" Guy before me used the eliminator and looking to return to original.

07-01-2013, 12:00 PM
Sorry ... I need to double check with my seat so I need to ask ... is one of those seats fitting to a xb12ss Lightning Long (my one is from '09)??? I would be interested in the second one (with the logo)

07-01-2013, 12:50 PM
Just shoot me an email when you read this: [email protected]

07-01-2013, 04:09 PM
Just to let you know the second seat is a street fighter seat and are very hard to find.....

07-03-2013, 02:17 AM
Does it fit on a xb12ss Lightning Long (what I ride)? Pls let me know ---> [email protected]

07-03-2013, 03:41 AM
None of those seats fit a Ss

07-03-2013, 02:34 PM
pm sent your way

08-02-2013, 05:55 PM
Everyone - Sorry for the delay in responding. I had a short notice overseas job in Angola and the communications there SUCKED!!!!! Basically talked to my wife once a day for 5 min. Anyways again I'm really sorry. I'll try and get back to those who may still be interested