Idle Adjuster Cable Help Needed

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Oct 22, 2011
Crowley, TX
I had to replace the idle adjuster cable on my 04 XB12S soon after I bought it almost two years ago. Since then I have had to replace it twice because it binds up when I do a TPS reset causing the cable to twist and kink. I cannot figure out what is causing it. I installed the cable with the throttle open, ran it to the front just under the headlight and zip tied it. Anyone have this happen before or any ideas what might be causing this and possible fixes?
I experienced the same thing years ago when corrosion caused my idle adjustment to bind up and break. I solved it by applying a little grease to the threaded end of the adjustment cable prior to installing it into the throttle body bracket. I perform an inspection on my bike each riding season where I pull my airbox apart to inspect wiring and vent plumbing for chafing, clean/lube the throttle body plate, and apply a small dab of grease as needed on the idle cable threads. It keeps the corrosion and binding from coming back and makes the idle adjustment as smooth as butter.