XB12 Rear Pads and SpeedBleeder

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2009
These are OE pads from my XB12Ss, removed with 1269 miles on them. I'll get pics and measure thickness if you like, but as you can imagine, there's next to no wear. The SpeedBleeder fitting was installed earlier, but AFAIK, those never wear out or fail. The thread sealant is still in place and in good shape. Asking $39, shipped in the CONUS. The best contact is via email: dmac at shelby dot net. I'm not on the forum as often as I used to be, so I may miss PMs. Thanks!
So, would pix help?

(Bump, until I can shoot 'em...you know what they look like...)
$30, shipped. I just realized I'd said as much iin the thread where I have the pads, caliper, and bleeder all together. At $30, I'd like for you to pick up the PayPal fee; saves me a buck. [smirk]
At this point, I figger most everybody's seen this ad, but just in case:

Periodic bump. [up]
Yeah every one has seen it, I just dont think anyone will buy used brakes! ;) Good luck though.
Lobbying to get these out of the basement and some dollahs into my new boots fund. Yeah, they're used pads, but 1200 miles? Rears on these bikes do last, but sooner or later you need sumpin' to fill the caliper.

I keep forgetting about this stuff. If you need rear pads, these are essentially new OE pads. Make me a semi-reasonable offer, and I'll throw in the SpeedBleeder.
Havent been around here in a while

Pix? And what's a speedblaster? (WITHOUT judgement please ahah)
See, I'm in the same boat; not on the board very often. A Speedbleeder is a replacement bleed screw that lets you bleed the caliper much faster: Instead of open-squeeze-close-repeat, you crack it open about a quarter turn, and pump; there's a check valve in the bleeder that makes it one-way to keep air out. It's the first mod I do on every bike. If you'll shoot me your email, I'll get the pics to you as quick as I can. My email is dmac at shelby dot net. Thanks!

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