Help – vibration that I can’t figure out

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2012
I’ve owned my 2006 XBSs for a just over a year. I’ve put a couple thousand miles on it (now has 19k, had 16 when I got it last winter). In the last couple days, it has gotten a vibration that would probably numb my feet if I had to go more than a couple miles on the freeway.

I can feel it at all speeds, seems to be more related to speed than engine RPM. I haven’t done anything to it in a month except drive it 4-5 times a week to work and back (about 20-25 miles/day).

I’ve felt car wheel bearings go out and have replaced them before, I don’t think this is the problem… They aren’t making any noise / grinding when I rotate the wheel on stands, doesn’t feel loose or move at all. I’ve check the engine mounts, wheels, etc. although I know you can’t ever really tell until you pull it out… I’d really hate to pull it apart in the middle of summer…

What are some common problems that start rapid onset of drivetrain vibration? If I had to guess, I’d replace the motor mounts and wheel bearings as a start even though they look good… This is my first motorcycle, so thinking about the transmission internals is giving me a headache… Primary chain, some other internal, damn I hope not. It's not a heavy shake, but a fairly high frequency vibration. It actually shook a nose fairing bolt loose yesterday.

2006 Ss with 19k. With its age and mileage, I’m guessing nothing was ever done to it before I got it (completely bone stock when I got it). I feel my thoughts of a custom headlight and fairing falling to the wayside for an internal rebuild…

Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks-
If you have the type of wheel balancing weights that stick on, did they come off? Might start with a front and back tire balance before tearing more costly and difficult things apart.
Ahhh the easy things. Yes, this was an oversight. I'll take a look...
Especially because you said it's more related to speed, rather than rpm. That almost rules out the engine to me.
You might have nailed it, I have the glued-on weights, that look to have largely fallen off although I can't remember really how many I had still on when I bought it. Can this really rattle my feet numb if I'm missing a couple?
nice call beau. rook: get on a smooth section of lightly travelled road. get to the speed where the vibration commences and hopefully you're in 5th gear. now gently downshift to 4th and maintain same speed. if vibration goes away it is motor related. another test is to get to the speed where the bike vibrates, hold it there, and quickly pull in the clutch. if the vibration still exists it is a rolling assembly such as wheel, bearings, or belt tensioner pulley as beau stated.
I got some coffee into my system this morning and focused hard on just WTF is wrong during my ride in. I usually take the freeway home in the evening, side streets in the morning. I think I have a totally different take on the problem after being on some different pavement, before my job burns my senses out...

Being on the side streets a bit more, I do now think it’s an engine or gearbox problem. I can be still, or coasting with the clutch in and rev it up a bit and feel a high freq vibration kick in. It isn’t a heavy slow wobble, but a clear vibration that I can really feel about 2k RPM.

No other noticeable issues: good power, doesn’t sound different, idle different, etc. Gearbox doesn’t feel any different.

Just a vibration that’s shook the bolts off my nose fairing the other day and I can feel pretty good in the footpegs.

If I hadn’t been riding it so much this summer and hopped on it this way from the getgo, I probably wouldn’t notice anything, and would think this is the way its supposed to be. It’s ever so slight, but I know something isn’t right.

I’ll post back here if something implodes or I’m able to further diagnose. I haven’t had too much experience with major engine failure in my life, I’ve been able to adequately keep whatever I’m driving up and going fairly well, but I can’t tell what’s up.

Really don’t think it’s the wheel balance anymore after this morning, it’s a higher frequency vibration that I now can feel is associated with the engine RPM.

Hopefully post soon. I can’t let this interrupt my beach run this weekend. I’ll be in Seaside Saturday if anyone else is raising hell out on the Oregon coast.

Try adjusting your primary chain tension. Sometimes if it's too loose it'll develop a vibe at certain RPMs...
My 2006 gets a wicked vibration if the primary is too loose. Try turning in the adjuster 1/8th of a turn and see if it helps. It was a night and day difference on my 2006.
SOLVED! Whoohoo. Primary. I won't even tell you how loose. It's within 1/4. One helluva difference. Thanks all!