A few gremlins Buell XB12scg

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2013
A bit back I had a spill at the track. Everything was fine, minor damage. Afterwards I rode the bike and it felt different in the way it rode (engine/power) wise. I did spill on the clutch side. After posting my thoughts, a few people suggested it may be more in my mind. So I did the following:

I had the bike dyno-ed to check the transmission/clutch - Bike came out with flying colors, all good..no mechanical issues

The bike now doesn't start unless she is in neutral, she use to start with the clutch lever pulled - After reading some post I had the clutch adjusted just in case, the mechanic said it needed only a slight adjustment. But it still didn't solve my issue.

I reset my tps and afv setttings - And she went back to starting as normal (clutch lever pulled in and in gear) and rode like she use to. But after I made my first stop, and turned her off and then back on after a break she would not start again unless she was in neutral.

And after this last ride, she would not start sometimes when I had her in neutral, but the neutral light wasn't on. Only when the light came on, did she start in neutral.

Other than that she road like the beast she is...which is awesome. Think I have a electrical gremlin.
Almost sounds like a wire connection got knocked loose or a wire was pinched when it went down.

Neutral switch 33900-99 $11.77 from LSHD1.com

Test your neutral switch & connections before you order one though. GL