1125r oil problems...again

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Well-known member
May 15, 2011
as many of you know ive been struggling with an oil leak for what seems like months now. I recently gave up on it and brought it the a Harley dealer (very buell friendly) and they took it in to the shop for a few hours. they said the drainplug was stripped, and replaced it with an oversized plug and also ended up tightening one of the stator cover bolts thinking a very small drip was coming from there as well. I was there just about all day. i rode it two hours home and went a good a week with no leaks. now its leaking again, i havnt touched it since. just drove it around a few times. every morning waking up to a spot on the floor anywhere from the size of a dime, to the size of a small orange. I'm really frustrated and called back the dealer, i spoke to one of there buell techs about it, and he said there was really nothing they could do besides taking the cases off (pretty much dismantling the whole engine) and drilling another hole and all that super expesive stuff probably in the thousands. does anyone have any other suggestions? i'm really irritated and am on the verge of just selling it. its a shame the bike runs beautifully and has no other problems.
still looks like its on the tip of the oil plug (leftside) but it looks like it still may be coming from the stator. its just so hard to tell.
ill check for the crush washer but im assuming harley would of put one on but who knowes lol. also someone had mentioned plumbers tabe? something about wrapping the threads?
I've never bothered with replacing the o-ring on my drain plug, I just use none-hardening gasket silicon on the threads. 8 oil changes without a leak.
yes shawns i did get it resolved it was indeed the oil drain plug Harley put a FIBER washer in it instead of a crush washer or other kind. can you believe it!? a stupid hard fiber washer! what a stupid idea. so i replaced it with the right washer and put some sealer on the threads and it hasn't leaked a drop since.

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