Identification of tail lights. Help please.

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
So I bought this not knowing what they were, just that it's led and has clear lens and I needed some other parts he had so I said what the hell and bought tail light too. And so i dont know what it is but I'm thinking it's a from the grid pattern but I haven't had a.chance to plug it in yet but it looks like option 5. But then again of course I would think I have the light iv always wanted. So this is so long. But ya can someone identify what lights these are.

Not XB Lights.

Pretty sure that's the Heavy Cycles light from ASB.
Expensive light. I think $355 is what it used to go for.

That is the only other light I would recomend with the XB Lights unit.
No that's the factory 2010 buell light linked above.

The one I referenced was made by Heavy Cycles.

ASB used to have them...... Guess he stopped carrying them.

It's the only other light I know of that uses a good amount of the superflux LEDs.

I've never seen one in person. I would love to see how it compares to the brightness of the XB Lights.
Ya I'm going home from hunting tomorrow. So I'll try it then and see how bright it is. It has built in blinkers too.
I plugged the light in today! It was awesome. Crazy bright. So for now till I see pictures of xblights or heavy cycle I'm just going to say it's one of those two because iv.seen most the other lights. And I'm totally putting it on
I can promise you it's not XB Lights.
I've hand built every light I've sold and that unit is not mine.

I'd bet a few bucks it's Heavy Cycles. I've only heard good things about them.
O **** I totally forgot that is your username. Ok. Thanks for the help man. And I will admit your lights are my dream lights but I definitely confertable with this one. It looks just like your grid for option 5 which is the one I wanted. Just wondering. Could I ever buy a smoked lens from you? I have a clear and red one. But the clear one has a hole in it

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