Going to look at a 2008 1125CR tonight

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Jul 15, 2011
Is there a way I could tell if the Stator has been replaced/upgraded? It's a 2008 with @ 4,000 miles with an asking price of $5500.
It did come out in 09. And you can't tell but you could look at the VR and see of it's stock or not. But even then. I'm still running a OEM VR but I have a ebr rotor and ricks stator.

Usually it's by miles (you could tell). And honestly 4000 miles. That's about the average. He may be trying to scew you. Does to really sound like he knows what he's talking about with the 08 cr and all. But take it on a test ride. Like at LEAST 10 miles. But before you start your ride put the cluster in the mode so you can see your volts. And then watch them like a hawk. I can't remember what mine runs at.but it's around 13-14 constantly! Once it's warm.
.....and, not the first "08" CR I've seen advertised btw. We had two "08 CR" bikes for sale recently around here. Don't know how/why people seem to get it confused.
O yes. I was talking about the stator. Ya the only way to tell the rotor is to open it up and look.
You don't have to replace the rotor depending on how you redo the stator. But it is best to do the rotor and you will be absolutely free of worries.
This thread has some pretty conflicting info...

If it is an 08, it already has the most sought after stator/rotor. The 09 and up are the ones that fry. Don't worry about the charging system if an actual 08.
Ah the elusive 08 Cr..... :D

Just to clear this up for the confused and ill informed.

Yeah those dont exist. The cr began production in 08 but was not sold until 09, thus all 1125cr's are '09, '10 model year machines. If it has/has had a diamond blue frame at one point it is an '08 1125r converted into a cr. Which by most people's standards means just switching the headlight assembly and ergo's. Correct me if i'm wrong but I do believe '09 cr's had black/red airbox cover logos whereas the '08's had black/Blue. Easy give aways. Or you could just give the vin a gander.

On most r/cr conversions, the "conversioner" if you will, often overlooks the gearing. The 1125r final drive sprocket is geared higher than the 1125cr. The swingarms are also different with the cr having a slightly shorter wheelbase.

Having said that. Early 08's have a parasatic software malfunction in the cluster which unless the killswitch is NOT switched off before the ignition the cluster will continue to draw from the battery. '09's have stator failure, lots of info on this around here.

4,000 miles on a 6 year old bike could go either way. On one hand you're getting an essentially new bike thats already been broken in, hopefully correctly. On the other hand you possibly getting somebody's weekend track or drag bike. Maybe its been sitting its whole life but hard to tell sometimes. Another thing to keep in mind, in the wild world of motorcycles usually if anything major is to go wrong with a bike (as in faulty design, factory flaws, etc etc) it wil USUALLY happen within the first 12,000 miles. Just things to keep in mind. At 4k you'll also be due for some maintenance near the end of this coming riding season.
It is a 2009.... I miss typed the year. I didn't get a chance to get over there the other day. I'm hoping to get over there after the snow storm this week.

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