Help! Xb9sx won't start

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
So I rode to work this morning and everything went just fine. Come lunch time I try to leave and she won't start. Gauges sweep, pump primes, starter switch does nothing. I've got a brand new battery in her and she stays on a tender. I don't understand why all of a sudden it won't start. Now she's stuck at my job[mad]
More info please. Won't start how? It cranks but doesn't fire? Doesn't even crank?

If it's not even cranking the switch under your clutch on the handle bars may be to blame. Put the bike in neutral and try it.

Cranking but no fire can be several things. We need to know what the scenario is fully to help further.
I know this my be something you already checked but try putting it in gear and then back into neutral. Mine didn't recognize that it was in neutral once before and wouldn't start. I felt really stupid when that happened. Couldn't figure it out and was running late for work. It bugged me all day until I got home and did that check.
Bone headed mistake guys! Enemy Zero you're exactly right. It wasn't in neutral when I was trying to start it up, I didn't realize it and wasn't squeezing the clutch. I felt like a moron because I posted this lol smh. Thanks guys!:D
No problem. I know exactly how you feel. I was pretty embarrassed when I got home and thought, "hmm, let me try this" and it started right up.

Glad it got fixed and it was nothing serious! [up]