Problem at 10,000 miles

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Mar 15, 2014
Are there any problems that occur between 10,000 and 15,000 miles besides rocker gaskets? It seems like all the ones that go up for sale have around that mileage. Makes me think they are getting rid of their bikes before something goes wrong
There is a 10k service but all I did was change the oil in the forks, bike, and primary and rode on. Up to almost 40k and that's all I've pretty much done. I did do the rocker box gaskets when I went into the trans and had to buy a gasket set anyways.
It's not like rocker gasket s are a GIVEN at 10-15k. I've owned 4 Buells, with mileage ranging from 15k to nearly 30k and none of them has needed rocker gaskets (knock on wood :D )
The most common problem I've seen is wheel bearings, which is both cheap and easy to take care of. That experience has not been SOLEY with Buell's either. I've had a couple of Japanese bikes need bearings at 20k-ish.
MANY threads on this. These bikes are very much reliable. OVERALL maintenence is not difficult. (No valves to adjust, no chain, etc.). Sure....some guys have issues here and there, but most that do, are poor service, or just plain abuse and neglect. Research it and make your own decision.
Buells, with mileage ranging from 15k to nearly 30k and none of them has needed rocker gaskets (knock on wood )
Mine as well!! Almost 35K miles.....(1) clutch cable, (1) clutch lever (I left mine go too long...little bushing was gone),
and of course the regular maintenence. (Oli changes, brake pads, etc.). I had a fluke thing with the ECM cooking my ignition local Harley shop helped me for FREE! (YES!.....I said HARLEY shop!). They had a spare ECM that they had in their race box. They flashed the stock maps to it, reset TPS and all. It DOES help to stay in good graces with those who can help you when you need it!! But....all in all, I can't say I have anything bad to say about the machine.
Thanks guys. I figured there is not much to go wrong on these motors and was only asking as that was the general mileage I saw for most used ones. I was just wondering if it was something that I missed while researching. Thanks
I was just wondering if it was something that I missed while researching.
I'd suggest that a couple of XB-specific items it's prudent to start budgeting for at 10k, in addition to regular maintenence stuff, are the VR & belt.
24,519 miles on my 2006 xb 12 and no issues (knock on wood). Just keep up with the maintenance. You can easily see if a bike was taken care of or neglected over the years. Most of the repairs are simple but require some patients. If you can rotate the engine your golden!
Did have a xb9 leak from rear rocker, drop a trans bearing @ 20k, before I owned it... but, other than that nothing major & nothing major on any of the other 16 XB models either...
Are there any problems that occur between 10,000 and 15,000 miles
on the XB's that are ridden reasonably...well-maintained...and properly cared for? no.
on the XB's that are neglected, abused and beat on like homeys' pitbull? many.