F frankiefilth Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2013 Messages 79 May 11, 2014 #1 I'm looking to buy a pair of 1125r mirrors in good condition for a reasonable price.
J J20tD Well-known member Joined Feb 18, 2012 Messages 667 May 11, 2014 #2 I have 1125cr mirrors I'm not 100% sure if they will fit or not but maybe someone could chime in.
F frankiefilth Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2013 Messages 79 May 11, 2014 #3 No, those won't do it. I need the fairing mounted ones. Thanks though!
Shawns Well-known member Premium Member Joined Jul 3, 2013 Messages 903 May 11, 2014 #4 I have 2 like new $175 shipped in the US, 2 a little scratched up $100 shipped.