Yes, I found Artur's thread, after some digging, about the swap. I hopped on the Buell wagon late. There is a wealth of info out there but sometimes its difficult to find. I don't mind losing a little top end for a bit more grunt. My biggest concerns were how much top end I would lose for a gain in acceleration and front wheel lift. Punching the numbers my bike runs 80 mph at about 4k. This gives me a theoretical top speed of about 136 mph at 6800 rpm. Swapping to an XB9 sprocket and chain seems like approximately 11% change in gearing. Which should net about 4500 rpm at 80 mph. Top speed at 6800 rpm should be about 120 mph.
I am just trying to verify my numbers are on the right track. I would like to hear from others who have done the swap. Thanks 50dro!
I like to wheelie and ride the mountains. Riding the 421 "the Snake" this weekend with a friend who owns an 1100 Monster I determined my xb12r is too civil. I want a lot more aggressive asphalt chewing torque monster. So, those who have changed engine sprockets, was this a change you were happy with or would you just prefer to undo the modification?