My winter project

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Remember this...well to continue on. Began with all this












so, did the repair on the center pieces of the chin fairing using the white right as the donor plastic to fill the hole in the center chin piece and tab that mounts to the exhaust was also transplanted:D anyone recognize the yellow flyscreen? maybe this will help

Now, all the plastic has been wet sanded and awaiting paint. Next the seat rails come off to be stripped and repainted to the original color. That comes next weekend after the paint arrives. AS for the plastics new color, not gonna say just yet. More to come...
thanks, will do...guess I should have gone into more detail as for the repair on the center piece and flyscreen. I used the white right hand chin fairing as filler material. Cut little pieces and melted with heat gun in place and also used a 1/4" blade soldering iron to smooth it out. The flyscreen still needs a bit more TLC on the back side. The black chin fairing tab was missing so cut the one off the donor piece and attached it by the same method. bond is strong and pretty solid. The color inspiration came from an old posting on the forum and not many or none painted the same from looking on google images. Though, have to compliment the idler pulley and dash board, that's where asking matter decals comes in the mix...
had to redo the center chin fairing repair, didn't hold up during sanding, got her done though. and finally the paint for the seat rails came in along with the new 77 connector kit. probably not going to get started with painting this weekend, but will do the connector replacement.



I bet its gonna be pink!

The issue I find myself with now that I have the 1125, cyclone and 1190, I dont have a need to or extra cash to customize my XB.... but doesnt mean ive forgotten it, big changes to come.

you do very interesting things to yours and your methods are beyond standard, and usually comes out awesome. I dont even wanna use that front fairing stay because its awesone how your repaired it.
thanks Jacob, appreciate it...

yea, the fairing stay was something out of the box with the repair. down the road, the cost of a new stay will out weigh not using it though. have you repaired the bolt?
Well, part of my plan for the paint color has been side tracked due to the air box decal I wanted to put on the bike. So, now I'm on the fence/stumped on what color to go with. [sad]

Open to suggestions...what color should I go with? Keep in mind, the bike is an '03, Fluid Silver frame, Stardust Silver wheels (polished edges), black center tail section, and the seat rails/subframe is being painted it's original Titanium color. ........................ready, go:D
Never seen one in any of the old mopar colors like sublime lime or plum crazy. Maybe something like that or a grabber blue/orange. Like a throwback to American muscle cars.
lime, holy crap that's really green, plum crazy, maybe. thanks for the input, appreciate it.
Figure I'd throw a couple different ones out there I hadn't seen. For the record, I am still a huge fan of the yellow.

I always liked JD20T's British racing green too. That was a great color.
I liked his color choice as well, haven't heard from him on the forum in a while though...

was kicking the can around about Kyrlon fusion pumpkin orange (safety orange) that would stand out:p
Love that dark green that. Gm used on the camaro and firebird from the early 70'S. a little darker than British green...,but i agree with zero love the yellow
used PlastiKote flexible filler/primer and white epoxy paint for appliances, used this combination before on my old '89 Suzuki Katana 750, held up for several years with no issues. rails have been painted to original color, Titanium, as well as the new tail tidy I made from .063" aluminum, and the emissions canister sporting an official Buell oval logo


