Sprag Clutch?!?

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Apr 14, 2015
I have had my 08 1125r for almost a year but I have to admit I just now started looking around this site and others. I have owned a lot of street and off road bikes over the past 15 years and can honestly say I am more in love with my 1125 every time I get on it than any other bike I ever owned. Anyway, I picked mine up from the first owner with only 3600 miles for $4250, I felt like I did pretty good. Looking through this site I have seen some posts about the Sprag clutch issue but I haven't found a page about what the issue is, My bike now has 6k miles without a issue but I was wondering what the "sprag" issue was exactly and when I can expect it to be a problem? I enjoy my bikes and push them a bit but I don't trash/bash them and I maintain them by the book. My bike is bone stock but I do hope to put exhaust and ECM on it this fall. I did tires, brakes, black out, and fixed a small issue this winter so I'm just gunna ride it and enjoy it for now before I put more into it. Honestly though with all the comments about long term issues and EBR possibly going under I'm a little concerned with keeping this thing in the long run. any info would be great.
Sprag is a one way starter clutch, they are known to have issues but the mileage varies. Logix just had one go but I think he was around 30k or so. You can still get the part.
Ducatis use the same type starter but different size. And they experience the same.

I'm wondering if you the can am spyder uses the same sprag
my sprag clutch went out at 36K miles. I think you will be fine for a while. As Cosworth said the mileage varies. I think it has to do with the type of riding, e.g. short rides ergo more starting events vs long rides less starting events. I don't believe it to be a quality issue with EBR. Just the nature of the sprag clutch. As stated previously, Ducati's, Can Am's, a lot of Japanese bikes, etc., use sprag clutches. Our bikes are higher compression than a lot of other bikes. Hence more load on the sprag design. It is disconcerting that EBR is in trouble again. I am not concerned about my 1125 as far as EBR goes. A lot of the parts from the new 1190 design are not backwards compatible. So nothing really has changed as far as the support structure for the 1125. Enjoy your bike, if you decide you do not want to keep it post it on here for sale. I am still very happy with mine.

Honestly though with all the comments about long term issues

what specific long term issues are you concerned with?
Thank you for the input guys. So as I understand it, the sprag clutch is related to the starter not the "drive clutch"? As far as the way I'm riding goes. most of my miles are highway/back road miles on the weekend but it gets ridden most days to work and around town which is usually less than 3 miles every direction (small town). The comment about long term issues was more triggered toward parts availability and any kind of dealer/mechanical support in the future and not so much reliability concerns. As far as selling any time soon goes, I just put 2 year tags on it.....this is the first motorcycle I have ever tagged for 2 years because I rarely own my bikes more than 12 months and I've already had it a year so...I really don't see myself unloading it. Either way whenever that day comes it will be on here. Keep the info flowing thanks fellers!!

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