View Full Version : Itchy for an SX

12-19-2015, 06:00 PM
So, I have had the itch real bad to buy a SX ever since they came out.

I know it's a :heart: decision, not a brain decision. I'm certainly not buying it for re-sale value! It's a bike I haven't ridden, but it fits my style (and hopefully my body too:))

The itch got so bad I rode my CR to the EBR dealer right down the street today to make an honest deal. Keep in mind that today is Dec 19, 2015.

But he wants every bit of $14,999 for the 2014 SX!?! :mad-new:Plus fee's, DOC, Lic, Tax...:down:
I said: "You know it's damn near 2016 right?"
"Yes" he says.
"You know you are selling a niche bike? A ultra-low production bike with no factory backing, no warranty, and a limited part supply, that's a 2 YEAR old 'new' bike?"
"yes, someone will come and buy it." He replies. I think he meant to say 'idiot' instead of "someone".
"What about the $2000 off sticker that on it?"
He said "That's $2000 off of the $16,999 price!"
"Ok, I brought copies of 5 current advertisements. 2 at $9999, and 3 at $10,499. Go ahead and add the $500 shipping it would take to get in my driveway. I'll pay you what any of these FIVE other dealers are asking for the SAME bike."
"I'm not panicked yet, I'm sure someone will buy it."
"It's been 2 YEARS!... For Five THOUSAND dollars more than they sell for? That's 150% MORE than the market. You want to keep it much more than I want to buy it. Have a nice day. You ****ing idiot" I said the last part on the inside:D

Dejected, I rode home and now I'm on my second beer and really, really :heart: my CR.

12-19-2015, 06:18 PM
So call one of those dealers and have the damn thing shipped to you. I have 2 RX's now. Was looking for an SX the 2nd time around but this RX just jumped out at me and was screaming at me to buy it.

12-19-2015, 11:43 PM
I was looking at an Rx. $14000 was the lowest he would go. I'm thinking Dean bought one of the ones I was looking at. They had a sx there to. I'm sure they could have made a good deal for you. They were will to take my vrod in trade.

12-20-2015, 01:22 AM
Cooter you and me both brother

12-20-2015, 05:15 AM
I would buy an SX, but no warranty, no parts, no support. I'm not mechanically inclined enough to do my own repairs either. I think I would have to go with the Super Duke by default.

12-20-2015, 10:53 AM
Looking at the insurance killed my itch... $1000 more than what I pay now for my Buell

12-20-2015, 11:07 AM
My local EBR dealer has a SX for $9999 16 miles on it and a RX demo with 700 miles on it for $9499, $14000 is crazy high!

12-20-2015, 11:25 AM
I know it is but they were asking 18,000 for the Rx.

12-20-2015, 12:21 PM
$9499 buy it now for RX demo on ebay, SX on Lehigh Valley Pa Clist.

12-20-2015, 12:55 PM
I looked at both those! Pa is close enough for me to road trip up there too... Maybe visit some Buellers on the way??:)

Now that I'm sober:black_eyed: I still:heart: my CR, all the bugs are worked out, it fits me well, blah, blah, blah. But I'm still itchy.

AZ has a good point for me checking insurance rates and I'll do that. Why so high?!?

It's obvious theres no factory support but is it really "no warranty" from a dealer? They should be able to use their parts from stock, at least for awhile? I didn't ask them, I wonder if it's a dealer preference. I doubt any of their techs got any actual training.

12-20-2015, 01:15 PM
There is no warranty, it's been non-exsistant since mid-April of this year. Some parts are still available, I just bought 8 front rotors that someone had hidden away. Most of those are gone now though.

12-20-2015, 02:30 PM
That's why it's such a :heart: choice. The 'smart' choice would be to get a SuperDuke or a S1000R instead of a unbacked, über limited production bike, with no parts availability.

But then again, the 'smart' choice would be to safely sit on the couch and not spend that money. We're all way more dumber-er than that! :p

12-20-2015, 06:44 PM


01-23-2016, 09:14 PM
Cooter, if you're still looking they are still out there. I just bought my brand new SX in Laguna Blue (limited color - 50 produced) for $9k.
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y109/WilliamWalker/EBR/IMAG44701_zpshmpymc4e.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/WilliamWalker/media/EBR/IMAG44701_zpshmpymc4e.jpg.html)

01-31-2016, 10:23 AM
yesterday on ebay there was a dealer that listed an SX for $9200, zero miles...the listing is now gone, wonder if it had anything to do with EBR coming back on line?

01-31-2016, 11:51 AM
With the latest updates from LAP, I think buyers are going to be more confident in buying, and sellers are going to start raising prices. Maybe a little now since parts are becoming available, but definitely more if the company starts producing bikes and honoring previous warranties.