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Buellxb Forum

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Premium Member
Oct 9, 2006
As you may have noticed I'm in the process of redesigning I would love any feedback or suggestions.

The Buell Parts Store will also be redesigned soon. We are working on getting more products, more payment options, faster shipping times and adding parts for older Buell models as well. If anyone has any problems with service, quality, or other parts issues please don't hesitate to email or call us.
I would like to have suggestions for new tools, features, etc. for The best idea will be rewarded with a free Buell XB air filter. I will ship it to anywhere in the continental USA.
Basically looks good, but, and I'm not sure if it's just me, but the orange text is harder to see than I expected. [up]
An easier way to post pictures would be cool. Only way I know to do it is to e-mail you and tell you where to place them. I'll keep thinking[up]
Thanks guys! Is the orange too bright? Not enough contrast? Does it bother anyone else? The picture idea is much needed, and it's already on the priority list. Hopefully it will be implemented by the end of this month.
I think it's a contrast issue.

The red of the screen-names stands out nicely, but the orange just looks kinda fuzzy against the light blue.
I think this would be too technical but is there any way registered user could have an inbox, something flashy, etc. to read reply's from post? By the way great job on the site!!!
OK, Idea!! How about user profiles with "wish lists"
You could list all the parts OEM or aftermarket that you want to get. Others could use that feature to search if they have something they want to unload. (rather than making endless dead posts)

ex. my list- bar end mirrors, complete short S tail section, carbon fiber windscreen, cf air box

say Buellxb has some bar end mirrors he wants to get rid of. He could search the "wish lists" and see who is looking for them. PM people with a price and wait for the responses.

Doesn't have to be exactly like that, but you all get the point. Sort of a Buell specific swap meet.
I'm liking these ideas! Maybe multiple free air filters are in order. We've been working on the image upload all day, it may come sooner than later. I'm now brainstorming the functionality of the swap idea and an inbox/mail system isn't out of the question. I have two top-notch programmers that work for me, so we can make some pretty crazy things happen if we have the right ideas. I do have to work on this site during slow times with my web design company, but we'll constantly make progress.
How about a monthly or quarterly contest? 2 ideas for this.

1. "Babes on Buells" Get a chick to pose on or with your bike ( no nudity of course or pornish stuff :D )
People vote, and winner gets T-shirt, gift certificate to store site, or just bragging rights :p

2. "Buellscape" If you ride to some cool or interesting places take a photo of your bike with a nice backdrop of the area. Ex. Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Cool City-Buildings, Bridges, with other bikes, ocean, rivers etc. It'd be pretty sweet to see where everyones been on their bikes [up]

3. Or do a combination of the 2 for bonus points:D:D:D
I like it! The new image upload will be up soon and I strongly urge anyone to get thier "Babes on Buells" pics uploaded as soon as the new feature is live. I think we can accomplish that with a new thread. I am working on t-shirts that will be free to active members. I can't sell them because I don't want to get involved with trademark infringement, but I can see free t-shirts going to active members.

I think it would be cool to create Buell wallpapers and high quality images for posters and other stuff. This can work with the Buellscape.
Yeah definitely, but include some of our stuff. We're no pro photographers by any means but i'm sure we could do up some pretty sweet shots. I'm going to the international fireworks show in a couple weeks, they have a co-operative effort on the Detroit River between the US and Canada. Real cool event, loads of people. I'll probably go to the Canadian side(little nicer [up]) and try to get a shot of my bike on the boardwalk, looking across at the Detroit skyline, hopefully with some cool fireworks going off in the background.:D:D:D
Man, thats great but I've got K&N's. I really appreciate the offer though but I don't want to take something .someone else might.
The NEW image upload feature is now working. We are continuing to modify and improve it, but it's functional as of now. When you're logged in you will now see an option for 'Your Photos' next to 'My Preferences' and the 'Search' link at the top. Enter any image up to 2MB in size with a short description that someone might search to find your picture. You can also add your photo to your post by clicking the 'Add Your Photo' button at the top of the post...

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