rbennett2082 Active member Joined Apr 10, 2015 Messages 34 Location Kenosha WI May 22, 2016 #1 So I see today that EBR is having a Homecoming event from 6/1-6/3. Anyone considering attending this thing.
So I see today that EBR is having a Homecoming event from 6/1-6/3. Anyone considering attending this thing.
L loose1 Well-known member Joined Aug 3, 2009 Messages 609 May 22, 2016 #2 Yep, I've been going to Buell/ebr home coming since '07
H HighwayHum72 Well-known member Joined May 1, 2016 Messages 122 May 27, 2016 #3 what is it? do they have bar-b-q?