Testing water..how much should i ask for my bolt??

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2009
2005 Firebolt XB12r 10K miles. carbon fiber and gold combo. and still riding...10k mile service just been done. How much should I expect??
Have picture in my other threads just search.


All factory painted body was replaced with Carbon fiber pieces and also CF oil cooler cover.

SS brake lines
RACE exhaust, ecm, filter
Powdercoated heel guards and levers
fender trimmed. removed cheese graters :)

I say go ahead and just send it with the seat cover and leather tank cover.

Otherwise $5.00.

Reality though you should have kept all the stock plastic if you are selling since you are going to lose your ass if you bought the good CF. Or another option to make up some cash is you could see if someone wants to trade stock plastic and $$$ for the CF then sell the bike.

I would say even with all the CF and mods you will probably only get $500 over a stock bike that has the same miles and condition. I would say you are looking around $4800-$5200. If your CF is the cheap Eay stuff drop $300 off the price.
The market is weak for 2 wheel awseomeness! I recently bought a 09 haarley Fat bob and wanted to trade in my 06 xb12Ss, I told them Miliege was about 10,00 and in great condition and they offered me 2000$ without even looking at the bike. The dealer said he had four new ones that are two years old and brand new for next to nothing so why would he give me anything for a trade in. He'd be taking a loss.

I did not trade it in and had to make a larger down to keep the payments low. I suggest keeping the bike unless you really need the money.

It might help if you put a link up to your bikes pics so people could see it. Maybe someone would make you an offer.

I'm glad I kept mine! My bike is worth a lot more than 200$ to me!
I think Xtreme's price is pretty close. Unfortunatly, when people buy buells, they want to but it stock so they can mod it themselves. I think if you were to plan the sale and sell your after market stuff separately, and replaced it with stock stuff, you could make more money. That race pipe is worth the most $$$
i will trade you your stock plastics for it........[up]

you get to send out the seat cover yet?[confused]
forgot, do you have ASB CF or Ebay CF?

My gf might want buy them, for cash plus a set of red plastics?
lol no its not for sale I was testing the water, cause i thought i wanted the 1125r...I love my xb12r...its not going anywhere. its ebay carbon fiber but everywhere I go, I can feel the envy of all the GSXR owners :p
don't listen to stealers BS. they will low ball you without any shame. thats why its pay back time, they cant even sell one bike a day in most dealers now. specially Harley dealers. their stock is declining by the day.
BMW... I hear you there. I am looking to sell my bike by the end of this month as well. I also am looking into the purchase of an 1125R. So we shall see what happens [smirk]
Hey due to spanish being my second language as well being a German automobile enthusiast also helps ;).

I'll keep everyone posted, if I do make the switch from my XB9SX over to an 1125R. Won't be till after my birthday, in which isn't for another few months [smirk]

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